April 29, 2014

Hoppy Scotsman Arrives At BJ's Restaurant

I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that we got a BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse in central Arkansas recently, and the word is there's another coming soon to North Little Rock (my home!). They posted this today on a new brew we can find there now apparently, check it out:

"The story of the newest beer from BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse in collaboration with this historic Caledonian Brewery. This one-of-a-kind brew perfectly balances the rich flavors of Scottish malts and yeast with American hops. Tapping April 29th!" 

April 26, 2014

Video: 2014 Food & Foam Fest in North Little Rock, AR

Published on Apr 16, 2014

Beer Loves You: "We're at the Food and Foam Festival in North Little Rock, AR! We catch up with some of the brewers and beer enthusiasts to talk about the event as well as some of their favorite brews. Who doesn't love a good beer festival?! Cheers!"

April 25, 2014

Video: Rogue Farms Honey Harvest

It almost feels like that with all the great and exciting new breweries coming into the area, some of our already great breweries that have been around for years get lost in the shuffle. Personally I love what Rogue Ales out in Asheland, OR is doing with their whole Rogue Farms series and am always on the lookout for new beer from them. They're not exactly new, they've been around since 1988, and they've been in Arkansas since I started getting into craft beer way back in the day, but they're still doing great beers and exciting new stuff.

Check out this video about their Rogue Farms Honey Harvest, a key ingredient in a lot of their recent releases.

"The beekeeper at Rogue Farms carefully harvests honey to used as ingredients in Rogue's lagers, stouts and ales brewed by brewmaster John Maier. We grow bees." 

April 24, 2014

Welcome To Arkansas: Caldera Brewing Company!

It's official! Another great brewery is headed to Arkansas via Glidewell Distributing... Oregon's fantastic Caldera Brewing Company should be landing in 4-6 weeks. More info to come soon, but here's a real quick primer.


From their Facebook page: Caldera Brewing Company was incorporated March 12, 1996. The first brew was July 4, 1997 and the first keg sold was August 28, 1997. 

For the first eight years, Caldera was draft only until June 2005 when the Pale Ale was put into cans. In 2007 the IPA was added to the can line up and in 2008 the Ashland Amber became the third flavor to can. In 2013, Caldera added Lawnmower Lager and Pilot Rock Porter to its can lineup. Caldera is the first micro brewery in the State of Oregon to brew and can its own beer. 

Caldera Brewing Company
590 Clover Lane
Ashland, Oregon 97520

The Beericist: I'll Be Funny Next Time

New contributor alert! Expect posts from this guy occasionally. You'll know when you see this:

I'll be funny next time, I promise. You see, my goal here (as a writer) is to let Woo Pig Brewey do all of the journalistic heavy lifting and I'll make jokes. Basically, I'll be your clown. I'm down with that and we'll get there, I promise. But not this time. I can't be funny this time. There is too much at stake.

The craft beer industry in Arkansas is young and impressionable and in the next few years it can go a few chaotically different ways. See, in a way, the craft beer movement in Arkansas is in a fight for its soul. I know, I know, that sounds dramatic. But it isn't. Not if you love it. Many of us are invested in this, financially, emotionally, or otherwise. It is in its infancy and we get to decide which direction it goes from here. 

We're in a battle against the big boys, who are on one hand trying to dip their toes into the craft beer market (sometimes admirably, Goose Island, sometimes ridiculously, I'm looking at you Shock Top) and on the other hand they are trying to cripple craft beer movements by instructing their beer reps to try and take craft handles <coughMillerLitecough>. They can't have it both ways. Regardless, today this is not a battle that overly concerns me. Look at the numbers. We are winning. No, our biggest battle comes from within: beer geeks vs beer snobs, localists vs enthusiasts, big beer versus better beer, and money versus culture. 

I've pontificated at length about beer snobs, but indulge me once more. What will be a common theme here is inclusion vs exclusion. Beer is throughout history, the drink of the everyman. Princes drink wine, plebes drink beer. Elitism is not and should never be our game. The wine industry is riddled with snooty wine snobs and it ruined it for the rest of us. So, beer snobs, put your monocle away and stop trying to hijack beer culture in this state. We should and really, we have to include everyone that wants to be involved. We have to lift ourselves and everyone around us up and never exclude people that we view, for whatever reason, as less. Educate not subjugate. You want to know how to deal with a Coors drinker? Offer them something from your stash, don't ridicule them and write them off. Beer snobs are a major bane on our rapidly growing movement. They may very well be the worst (they're the worst) but they aren't the only ones. 

There is a growing (and in many ways noble) movement across all aspects of society. It is the locavore movement, specific to our purposes here, the "Drink Local" movement. To which I say, "Nah". I'm not being flippant, I'm being honest. I'm a hippie at heart, don't get me wrong. I support local food and local businesses whenever I can. I get it, I do. But to what end? Should Boulevard and New Belgium be punished even after they showed us love before anyone else was interested in us? Should Sierra Nevada be pushed to the side simply because we finally caught up with the rest of America and shit out a few new breweries? What about all of those breweries that were here before there was even a twitch of what we could become? Should we make choices based on locality or should we make those choices because the beer is just better? Our local breweries should accept the challenge to be better, to rise up to the standards of their regional and national and international brothers and sisters. These are all talented and capable people. Why should we ever give them any excuse to rest on their laurels? Whether spawned by the well-meaning locavores or the jingoistic that believe that you should drink their beer simply because it is from Arkansas, this is an argument worth having and it will persist. I just believe we should help breweries rise up, support them, but until they are the best beer in my stash, I'll be drinking whatever I damn well please. 

The last battle I want to discuss is the one I think is potentially the most poisonous and the most long term problematic, because there is an inherent disconnect between the history of beer culture and modern business. At least fundamentally, all of us want to be able to make money in this industry. Competition is a wonderful thing. But aside from our beer business Voldemorts, this competition has long been friendly and supportive. Collaborations have always been the norm. The original craft beer gurus were outcasts and ne'er-do-wells (Spoiler alert: We still are). There was a common kinship in getting to make a living doing what we all love to do, talking about, brewing, and drinking great beer. We have to stick together, we can't get caught up in the business side of things and start suing one another, start throwing up legal roadblocks against new breweries. It is counterproductive. All we have is each other to lean on and learn from. The craft beer business as we know it was built brick by brick by friends, some providing the base, others the mortar, others the stones themselves. And, yes, as any industry grows so does the competitive head-butting. But we should never forget where we came from. Not only do we not have to play that game, but we have a responsibility to make ourselves and everyone else around us better, to lift each other up, to collaborate and grow together. You can dig that, right? Beer should always be inclusionary and never, never, never exclusionary. Same as it ever was. 

I'll be funny next time...promise.

The Beericist

April 22, 2014

Shine On You Crazy Diamond Bear

It's official (almost?). Central Arkansas' Diamond Bear Brewing Company has moved their location from downtown Little Rock to the north side of the river, into the Argenta Arts District in North Little Rock. Governor Mike Beebe helped open the brewery on Monday at it's grand opening. It's a much bigger facility than their Little Rock location so I'd expect the volume of beer to increase from them and also maybe more offers than from their current line of beers? We'll see once they get things rolling. A restaurant is also still to come it sounds like too. Also worth noting, I don't think this new building is actually open to the public just yet.

Here's a quote from their Facebook page: "This was a soft opening, christening kind of deal. An open house. We will still have the taproom and retail area open at 323 Cross St. Thursday thru Sunday 12-6pm as usual for the time being. We will keep you posted."

Here's KTHV's coverage: http://www.thv11.com/story/news/local/2014/04/21/brewery-contributes-to-argenta-growth/7987451/ 

And check out this short highlight video below of the ribbon cutting at the new location, 600 N. Broadway in North Little Rock.

Video: Crafting a Legacy with Vino's Brewpub

Not sure how I haven't seen this until now, but check out this great video from Arkansas Life on Little Rock's own Vino's Brewpub. Great stuff here on one of my favorite all-time breweries.

April 7, 2014

Welcome to Arkansas: Against The Grain

I'm still reeling a bit from the launch of not only Founders last week, but Southern Star and Leaky Roof Meadery. And oh yes, Foam Fest on Friday night. HUGE week. Need rest? Maybe so, but now I was told this morning that we should be seeing our latest brewery to land in Arkansas, Against The Grain Brewery, on the shelves tomorrow. Look for the first 2 beers, 35K and Ctira Ass  Down, in 22 oz bomber bottles. Judging from their website and beer names these guys are going to be a lot of fun and I can't wait to try their first 2 beers.

Here's some info to get you better prepared:

From the website:

"Against The Grain Brewery is Louisville's first brewer-owned brewery and, like most worthwhile undertakings, the product of dissatisfaction with the status quo. We maintain a diverse array of beers covering all of the major categories of beer flavor while generating an endless stream of innovative new brews. Essentially, we are tired of the regular old 'stuff.' At Against The Grain, we have thrown the traditional mode of thought (producing the same thing over and over, I think they call it consistency) out the window and shifted our energy to producing amazing beer consistently, which can be any given style or twist on it. We hang our hats on quality and want people to know that there is a world of options out there....and we make them!!"




35 K

Not your typical “Jelly of the Month Club” beer. Dark roasted malt and bittersweet cocoa and coffee flavor and aroma burst from this pitch black milk stout. The full body and sweetness are derived from the addition of lactose (aka milk sugar) which is not fermentable by beer yeast. A healthy dose of Nugget and Crystal hops provides a counterpoint to this ale’s rich and complex maltiness.
ABV: 7.7%     IBU 25.5     OG 18.5P

Citra Ass Down

This is a very hop forward American style IPA. Brewed with Pale, Vienna, Munich and wheat malt for a solid base for all American hops, focusing mainly on the variety “Citra.” Citra hops are a relatively new variety introduced in 2008. It was bred as a hybrid of a number of different hops, including Hallertauer Mittelfrüh, U.S. Tettnanger, East Kent Golding, Bavarian, Brewers Gold, and other unknown hops. The resulting hop, Citra, has a distinct citrusy and tropical fruit flavor and aroma. In Citra ass down we used American Columbus for bittering and 11# of Citra at the end of the boil for late kettle addition flavor and aroma. Then we added 6 more pounds Citra and 5# Centennial post fermention for aroma. Rebrewed for your tasting pleasure!

ABV 8.0%     OG 17.0      IBU 68.0

April 3, 2014

Rebel At Heart, 4 Rebels In Hand?

The annual Little Rock Food & Foam Fest is just 1 day away! I posted a whole list of the available beers yesterday and have posted some of the VIP room beers but I thought I say a bit about one of my favorite up-and-coming breweries in the area, Rebel Kettle Brewing

They're bringing 4 beers this year and I was lucky enough to try them last weekend and trust me there's not a stinker in the bunch. I've compiled their recent descriptions of the beers mainly because I want you to know what you're missing if you don't get your butts by their table before these run out. If you don't try them, then you can't blame me now. I've done my part. I'll sleep fine.

And I don't want to pick a favorite of these because it would probably depend on my mood, but I sure do like the cucumber saison... 

Bretting Bad - Oaked and Dry-hopped, 100% Brettanomyces (wild yeast) fermented Pale Ale

Based on a typical American Pale Ale recipe, this beer offers a completely different and intriguing sensory experience. It pours a clear bright copper with a firm white head. It has a peculiar yet addictive bouquet of warm, ripe tropical fruits, malt and wood. The myriad of elusive scents are wrapped in a distinct "Brett" funkiness. A light body lends itself to an easy drinkability of the crazy collection of flavors within. An eclectic mishmash of tropical fruits, vanilla oakiness and funk that finish in a subtle juxtaposition of bitterness and tartness.

to HELLES and BOCK Lager

An ode to the season. This traditional styled Helles Bock German Lager is a perfect pairing for cool Spring evenings. The strong, 7.4% abv beer pours a deep gold with a fluffy pillow-like white head. Aromas of heavy malt and a slight fruitiness with some toasted breadiness in the backdrop. A smooth and creamy medium bodied mouthfeel lends itself to a strong maltiness that floods the palate. Rounded out by a slight bitterness from German Noble hops, the beer finishes dry yet with a nice malt sweetness and a hint of alcohol.

Womanizer - Cucumber and Melon Saison

A unique twist on a farmhouse-style ale. The beer pours a hazy straw with a persistent white head. The bold aroma of freshly cut cucumber is followed by a sweetness of sun ripened watermelon. Similar in flavor, the cucumber come to the forefront then are smoothed out and sweetened by a glorious mix of melon flavors. Slight bready malt and a spicy Belgian yeast character round out the beer making for a very interesting and pleasant finish.

Popfly - Popcorn Cream Ale

Deep straw hue with glints of copper and gold, topped with a brilliant white head. Faint aromas of bread crusty malts and freshly popped corn. Smooth and easy- drinking, light to medium body. Simple sweet malt and toasty corn flavors coupled with earthy hops that balance nicely into a clean and harmonious finish.

April 2, 2014

2014 Foam Fest Beer List

Well there is a ton of beer to pick from I'd say. Something for everyone!

17th Annual Food & Foam Fest
Friday April 4th, 2014
North Little Rock, AR



. Honker’s Ale (English Style Bitter) Inspired by visits to English country pubs, Honker’s Ale combines a fruity hop aroma with a rich malt middle to create a perfectly
balanced beer.

. 312 Urban Wheat Ale (English Style Summer Ale) Densely populated with flavor, 312’s spicy aroma of Cascade hops is followed by a crisp, fruity ale flavor delivered in a smooth, creamy body. This gives 312 a balance of flavor and refreshment .

. 312 Urban Pale Ale (American Pale Ale) We constructed our Urban Pale Ale on a balanced malt backbone, so the citrus hop aroma and crisp flavor can stand tall.

. Matilda (Belgian Style Pale Ale) Wild in character, dry and quenching, with a slightly fruity aroma and a spicy yeast flavor that is as unique as it is satisfying – an intriguing choice for beer and wine lovers alike.

. Sofie (Belgian Style Farmhouse Ale) Fermented with wild yeasts and aged in wine barrels with orange peel, Sofie is a tart, dry, sparkling ale - subtle, spicy white pepper note, a hint of citrus from the orange peel and a creamy vanilla finish.

. IPA (India Pale Ale) A hop lover’s dream with a fruity aroma, set off by a dry malt middle, and a long hop finish.

* VIP ONLY Bourbon County Stout (Stout) Brewmaster, Greg Hall really wanted to do something special for our 1000th batch at the original brewpub. Goose Island could have thrown a party. But they did something better. They brewed a beer. A really big batch of stout-so big the malt was coming out of the top of the mash tun. After fermentation they brought in some bourbon barrels to age the stout. One hundred and fifty days later, Bourbon County Stout was born-A liquid as dark and dense as a black hole with a thick foam the color of bourbon barrels. The nose is a mix of charred oak, vanilla, carmel, and smoke.

* VIP ONLY Bourbon County Coffee Stout (Stout) Everyday Goose Island smells the wonderful coffee roasting next to our brewery at Chicago’s Intelligentsia Coffee and Tea. This world class roaster puts the same passion and skill into their coffee as Goose Island does with its beer. This excellent stout is made with a different coffee from our friends next door each year. With the change in coffee comes a change in the flavor profile, making each release truly unique from the previous years.



. Belgian White (Witbier) a spiced Belgian-style wheat ale (“wit”) brewed with real orange, lemon and lime peels. We then pair it with coriander spice to produce a crisp and distinctive taste with a satisfying flavor. This uniquely-crafted, award-winning ale is unfiltered to create a brew that is naturally cloudy with a light golden color and a smooth, refreshing finish.

. Raspberry Wheat (Fruit Beer) This traditional Belgian-Style wheat ale is brewed with wild raspberry essence and hand-selected hops which gives the brew a crisp and distinctive taste with a flavorful twist. This unfiltered ale has a light golden color & a smooth, refreshing finish that makes it the perfect balance of flavor & refreshment.

. Lemon Shandy (Fruit Beer) Belgian-Style wheat beer brewed with spices and with natural lemonade flavor added.

. Honey Crisp Apple Wheat (Fruit Beer) A unique, refreshing, hand crafted brewed hybrid of Belgian wheat beer and sweet cider.

. Honey Bourbon Cask Wheat (Wheat Ale) Belgian-Style unfiltered wheat ale is brewed with honey, caramel malt, and aged on bourbon cask staves for the perfect
balance of flavor and refreshment all year round.



. Stella Artois (Belgain Lager) Brewed to perfection using the original Stella Artois yeast and only the best ingredients including the celebrated Saaz hops. It's the optimum premium lager, with its full flavor and clean, crisp taste.

. Stella Artois Cidre – (Cider) Crisp, distinctive European Cider made with hand-picked apples.

. Hoegaarden (Witbier) The brand's unique appearance is mirrored by its one-of-a-kind taste - sweet and sour beer with a little bitterness, slightly spicy, with a strong touch of coriander and a hint of orange.

. Leffe Blonde (Belgian Pale Ale) A dry, fruity, lightly spiced beer, full and creamy - a perfect balance of strength and subtlety. The brand has a delicate and light, malty aroma and a subtle, sweet finish. .

. Bud Light Razz-A-Rita – (Flavored Malt Beverage) Great raspberry margarita taste combined with the refreshment of Bud Light Lime

. Bud Light Mango-Rita – (Flavored Malt Beverage) Great mango margarita taste combined with the refreshment of Bud Light Lime

. Bud Light Lime-A-Rita (Flavored Malt Beverage) Authentic Margarita flavor with a unique twist of Bud Light Lime refreshment.

. Bud Light Straw-Ber-Rita (Flavored Malt Beverage) Great strawberry Margarita taste combined with the refreshment of Bud Light Lime.



. Buffalo Sweat (Stout) This cream stout tastes like liquid chocolate chip cookies made with espresso. Very dark and very smooth, Buffalo Sweat is a very tasty

. 8-Bit Pale Ale (Pale Ale) Just like those classic video games we all grew up with, 8-Bit Pale Ale is spectacularly simple at first glance yet remarkably fun and complex when you get into it. Our Hop Rocket infuses the character of Australian grown Galaxy Hops into an American Pale Ale, giving a unique tropical, almost melon
aroma in a classic American style.

. Ethos IPA (India Pale Ale) A beer foretold in legend. Crafted from a palate of six types of hops, this is no ordinary IPA. Double dry-hopping, with three hopvarieties, creates an aroma that is big, bright and beautiful. The taste of Ethos explodes with juicy hop flavors, but this beer is carefully brewed with balanced malts to enhance the hops’ natural character without overwhelming the senses.

. Velvet Rooster (Belgian Tripel) This beer is a Belgian Tripel that lives up to its name. Smooth and carefully crafted like a fine velvet painting, but with an 8.5% ABV this bird has some spurs! The beer pours a golden straw color with brilliant clarity. Topped with a lofty pure white head the beer has a wonderful floral nose, with subtle fruit notes. The taste is clean and crisp, with subtle fruit notes and a touch of candy like sweetness. The beer has a Champagne-like effervescent that provides a crisp
offset to its sweet finish.

. Halcyon (American Wheat) is an unapologetic American Wheat with the rich flavors of Kansas grain, a fruity aroma and a taste like the very best day of summer.



. Schlafly Pale Ale (Pale Ale) Our flagship Pale Ale is a smooth, balanced, copper-colored session beer with mildly spiced flavor and aroma from the East Kent Goldings hops. The bready, lightly caramel malt complements the hint of fruitiness contributed by the London Ale yeast, making it satisfying and authentic; the perfect flagship beer for Schlafly.

. Schlafly Kolsch (Kolsch) A classic golden ale that uses a centuries old yeast strain sourced from a famous Kölsch brewer in Köln, Germany. Gold Medal winner of the 2010 World Beer Cup.

. Schlafly APA (American Pale) Our Dry-Hopped (APA) uses a hefty dose of American hops to create a bitter, aromatic ale. After fermentation, the beer is re-circulated through a tank packed with hops for 7 days, for added hop flavor and aroma. We use American ale yeast and Northern American caramel malt to showcase the purity of the 100% whole cone Cascade and Chinook hops.

. Schlafly Summer Lager (Pilsner) Our Helles-Style Summer Lager is a bright, golden beer, perfect for summertime. The malt we use imparts a wonderful, fresh grain character, reminiscent of European lagers. The German Noble hop, Mittelfrüh, lends a mild lemony, spicy flavor.

. Schlafly Raspberry Hefeweizen (Fruit) Our Raspberry Hefeweizen is a true fruit beer, not a fruit-flavored beer. We add pureed raspberries to our Hefeweizen during the primary fermentation process. Although we add no sugar, color or flavors, the resulting beer is a hazy pink color, with citrus aromas from the wheat and a flavor
that is neat and tart.

. Schlafly Yakima Wheat (Wheat Ale) Our Yakima Wheat Ale is a hoppy wheat beer brewed with American hops from the Yakima River Valley in Washington State. The blend of wheat and barley lends a touch of toffee sweetness. The hops contribute spiciness of juniper and pepper. Altogether they create a crisp, refreshing beer - with a hoppy bite.

. Schlafly AIPA (American India Pale Ale) Our American IPA gets its bold hop flavor from 100% American hops and its deep gold and full body from 2-row and Crystal malted barley.

* VIP ONLY Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout- (Imperial Stout) Our Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout is brewed with a big malt flavor, plenty of hop bitterness for balance and roasted barley that imparts notes of dark chocolate. As a finishing touch, the beer is transferred to freshly-emptied Kentucky bourbon barrels and aged before being carbonated and bottled. The barrel aging gives the beer a spicy, vanilla character and a pleasant, warming finish.



. O’Fallon Wheach (Fruit) We take our award-winning American Hefeweizen and add a touch of peach for a refreshing, crisp, very drinkable beer. Peach-wheat, wheat-peach, WHEACH!

. O’Fallon 5-Day IPA (India Pale Ale) You have to taste this “dry-hopped” beer! It’s an American Style India Pale Ale brewed with seven grains and four domestic hop varieties. We call it “5-DAY IPA” because we add hops after fermentation and the beer sits for an extra five days with this additional hopping. The result is a beautiful pale ale with malty sweetness up front and big Cascade hops in the finish – a wonderfully drinkable IPA!

. O’Fallon Hemp Hop Rye (Amber Ale) This smooth amber ale uses toasted hemp seed to create a nutty flavor in the finish that compliments the rye and hops (a botanical cousin to hemp). The wide assortment of flavors harmonize, creating a uniquely smooth and flavorful beer!

. O’Fallon Smoked Porter (Smoked Beer) Gold medal winner in the Smoked Beer category at the 2004 Great American Beer Festival®! This is a smoked version of a robust porter brewed with six grains and two varieties of hops, including sixty-three percent Bamberg Smoked Malt from Germany. The malty sweetness and burnt chocolate undertones balance the bitterness of the hops and the smoky flavor and aroma to make this beer a wonderfully complex porter.

. O’Fallon Kite Tail (Cream Ale) Light-bodied and refreshing this beer is based on the Cream Ale style…an original American beer modeled after the light lagers of its time. A subtle tartness adds to the crisp finish of the beer and makes for a great summer quencher.

. O’Fallon Zeke’s Pale Ale – (American Pale Ale) Zeke’s is a refreshing Pale Ale that’s loaded with hop flavor and aroma without being too heavy or bitter – so it’s always easy to enjoy.



. Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan- (Brown Ale) Southern Pecan Nut Brown Ale is the first beer in the world, to our knowledge, made with whole roasted pecans. The pecans are used just like grain and provide a nutty characteristic and a delightful depth to the flavor profile. This beer is very lightly hopped to allow the malty, caramel, and nutty flavors shine through. The color is dark mahogany.

. Lazy Magnolia Jefferson Stout- (Sweet Stout) Jefferson Stout, Lazy Magnolia’s original Sweet Potato Cream Stout, is Lazy Magnolia’s version of the ideal Southern-Style Stout. Jefferson Stout is brewed with sweet potatoes and lactose (milk sugar). The sweet potatoes provide the background to an impressive taste with added notes of roasted chocolate, coffee and caramel flavors.

. Lazy Magnolia Southern Gold- (Golden Ale) Southern Gold is Lazy Magnolia’s Golden Honey Ale. Brewed with locally produced honey, this light-bodied brew was designed specifically for the City of Hattiesburg, MS., the home of the University of Southern Mississippi. This refreshing beer is noted by its smooth character and gentle, sweet honey finish.

. Lazy Magnolia Southern Hops’pitality- (India Pale Ale) Southern Hops’pitality is our offering of delicious cheer to Lazy Magnolia’s loyal fans all over the Southeast. A traditional IPA at its core, we have built Southern complexity into this new brew. The aroma is a bold citrus burst on the front end with hints of tropical fruits such as grapefruit, orange and mango in the finish. Lazy Magnolia’s brewers used a unique hop blend for an exciting dry-hoped aroma. Southern Hops’pitality has a Light
Straw color and crisp, smooth finish on the palate.



. Founders All Day IPA- (Session IPA) The beer you’ve been waiting for. Keeps your taste satisfied while keeping your senses sharp. An all-day IPA naturally brewed with a complex array of malts, grains and hops. Balanced for optimal aromatic and a clean finish. The perfect reward for an honest day’s work and the ultimate companion to celebrate life’s simple pleasures.

. Founders Dirty Bastard- (Scotch Ale) Founders flagship beer. Dirty Bastard is an absolute beautiful beer to behold. Dark ruby in color and brewed with ten varieties of imported malts this beer continuously lives up to its reputation as a bold and powerful ale. Dirty Bastard is complex in the finish with hints of smoke and peat paired with a malty richness, finalized with a good bit of hop attitude. This beer “ain’t fer the wee lads”

. Founders Centennial IPA- (India Pale Ale) Selected as a benchmark for the Beer Judge Certification Program used in all American based beer judgings. Centennial IPA has quickly become the IPA of choice. Pour yourself a pint of this complex flavorful ale and bask in the frothy head’s floral bouquet. Relish the immense citrus accents, achieved by the abundance of dry hopping. This ale’s sweet, malty undertones balance the hop character with a finish that never turns too bitter.

. Founders Porter- (Porter) Dark, Rich, and Sexy. Chocolate malts and four varieties of hops make this a very full flavored ale.

* VIP ONLY Founders Breakfast Stout- (Imperial Stout) You’ve got to love coffee to truly appreciate this phenomenal brew. Brewed with an abundance of flaked oats, bitter and sweetened imported chocolates, Sumatra and Kona coffee. We’re actually not sure if this is some type of coffee cake or a beer. Either way you can drink this ale with a fork. Breakfast Stout has an intense fresh roasted coffee nose toped with a cinnamon colored frothy head that seems to never fade and makes you wish
breakfast could last forever.

* VIP ONLY Founders Red’s Rye IPA- (India Pale Ale) Pours a spectacular crimson red with a creamy tan head. Brewed with four varieties of Belgian caramel malts imparting a sweet richness. Reds Rye is impressively balanced with its hop bitterness and floral bouquet achieved from the dry hop. In the finish, the generous amount of malted rye used accentuates a spicy crisp finish.

* VIP ONLY Founders Curmudgeon Old Ale- (Old Ale) This Old Ale conjures up thoughts of classic sea fairing ports, there local pubs and the weathered fisherman that frequent them. In traditional style Curmudgeon is brewed with an intense focus on the malt bill creating a very strong, rich, malty characteristic and a sweetness indicative of its cousin the barleywine. We are especially proud of the balance in this beer making it deceptively smooth and drinkable at 9.8% alcohol by volume.

BOSCOS// Little Rock, AR


. Hefeweizen Called it our “award winning” hefeweizen because of its multitude of awards at the Great American Beer Festival. Not wanting to rest on our laurels we entered the beer into the most prestigious international beer competition, the World Beer Cup. There we not only brought all the American competitors to their knees, we bested the Germans as well winning the gold medal in this very competitive category.

. Winter Warmer English Strong Ales are often named Olde (fill in the blank) after the face that these beers were often aged for long periods of time. Although we didn’t name this beer after anybody in particular, feel free to make up your own mind who could be this ale’s namesake. Remember, always drink this beer in odd numbered increments.



. Atlas IPA (India Pale Ale) An ale with strength and character worthy of its name. Pale and caramel maltings of American two-row barley give Atlas IPA a malty backbone to support its noticeable, but not overpowering, hoppy flavor and aroma. Columbus, Amarillo, and Cascade hops are harmoniously blended together, bringing about floral and earthy tones which highlight this bold but delicious ale. ABV – 6.5%

. Sundown Wheat (American wheat) A Belgian inspiration, Sundown Wheat aims to blend the best of two worlds. This refreshingly light beer is brewed with American wheat, two-row barley, and a touch of flaked oats. It is delicately hopped with American Sterling hops and spiced in the tradition of Belgian wit beers, using coriander and dried sweet orange peel. ABV – 4.7%

. Revival Red (Red Ale) An American Red Ale which pays homage to our great state of Oklahoma (the 46th state to join the Union). This sessionable ruby hued ale is perfectly suited to be enjoyed with the renewal that Spring brings to the Red Dirt State each year. A balanced blend of six malts gives this ale a medium body and a savory malt base. Chinook and Cascade hops shape a wonderful citrusy hop profile and the addition of Centennial dry-hops enhances the fruity aroma. The result is a
revival for your taste buds. ABV – 6.5%

. El Cucuy India-Style Black Ale (Black Ale) In Latin American cultures, El Cucuy is an imaginary creature of the dark, similar to the boogeyman, which haunts the minds of children and adults alike. El Cucuy India-style Black Ale features dark roasted notes that sneak up on the subdued caramel malt backbone and the irresistible bitterness creating a harmonious and frighteningly delicious balance. But beware, this beer is dry-hopped providing an intensely vibrant floral and citrusy aroma and at
8.6% ABV is not a monster to be carelessly dealt with. Be good or the Cucuy will get you!

BAYOU TECHE BIERE // Arnaudville, LA


. LA-31 Bière Pâle - Using Belgian malts and American hops and yeast, LA-31 Bière Pâle is a distinct new style of beer. Traditionally brewed, we classify it as a Bière Pâle, or Louisiana Pale Ale. It is bronze colored with a biscuity malt center, herbal hop flavors and a gentle, mellow bitterness. This beer is crafted to enhance the unique cuisine and lifestyle of South Louisiana. 2011 World Beer Championships, Silver Medal, 89 Points. ABV – 5.7%

. Acadie - France’s elegant contribution to the world’s beer styles is Bière de Garde – translated it means “beer for keeping” and has been brewed on farms there for centuries. Just as the French proudly brew their traditional ale, as descendants of survivors of Le Grand Dérangement we brew an artisanal version we call Acadie – in memory of our Acadian homeland. Acadie is brewed year round and approaches 6% ABV, with an IBU of 20. The restrained use of elegant Strisselspalt and Saaz hops offer a perfectly balanced bitterness with a very discreet hop aroma. ABV – 6.0%

. Loup Garou - Loup Garou is the Cajun French phase for a werewolf and is also Bayou Teche Brewing’s limited edition, Belgian inspired Imperial Stout. Crafted with an insane amount of chocolate roasted Belgian malts, brown sugars and French hops, our stout is then aged on oak for several months. 2014 World Beer Championships, Silver Medal, 87 Points. ABV – 7.5%



. Rocky Mountain IPA (IPA) An I.P.A. by definition is liberally hopped and higher in alcohol. We made Rocky Mountain I.P.A. by dry hopping for an intense citrus aroma and adding a generous helping of malt to create a backbone stable enough to support the characteristic bitterness of the beer. 2009 US Open Beer Championship, Silver, English IPA. ABV – 6.2%

. Major Tom's American Wheat (Fruit Beer) Our take on an American Classic is the refreshingly crisp Major Tom’s American Wheat. This unique creation is infused with real pomegranates & filtered to a bright finish. The result is a striking straw blonde color and sweet-tart finish. 2009 US Beer Tasting Championship, won the fruit beer category. ABV – 5.1%

. Chocolate Stout (Stout) A velvety smooth mouthfeel, satisfyingly roasty flavor and medium body make this brew positively seductive. Subtle hop bitterness rounds out the character of roasted barley and chocolate malt in this proven classic. 2010 US Open Beer Championship, Gold, Chocolate/ Cocoa Beer category. ABV – 5.3%

. Red Banshee (Red Ale) A striking ruby hue and spicy floral aroma punctuate the pleasant sweetness of this brew. Crystal malt coalesces with the earthy flavor of Willamette hops. A hauntingly beautiful combination. 2012 US Open Beer Championship, Silver medal, American Red category. ABV – 5.3%



. Amber Waders of Grain Amber Lager - Amber Waders is a smooth, malty lager rich with specialty malts but with a clean lager finish. It’s very lightly hopped allowing for the malt and clean crispness of the yeast to stand out. It’s smooth, light, and refreshing and is perfect for a delicious beverage during any outing. ABV – 5.0%

. Workman Common - A light lager hybrid with flavor? That’s what this Alabama Common is. Clean and crisp like a lager, but with the beautiful citrus flavors of Citra hops and Rye to compliment the traditional Northern Brewer hops and hybrid yeast. Incredibly drinkable, but tastier than its lighter, thin, mass market siblings. ABV – 5.0%

LEIBINGER // Ravensburg, Germany


. Zeppelin - Zeppelin beer is a naturally cloudy, unfiltered lager. A so-called cellar beer, its cloudiness and the finest ingredients from the Lake Constance region make Zeppelin beer a heavenly experience. ABV - 5.2%

. Seeweisse - Our wheat beer goes down easy with its spicy flavor, and is a real pleasure at any time of year. Brewed according to our own recipe in a long, steady maturing process – with the finest Leibinger yeast and raw materials from the region. So that you always have something good to drink! Winner of the DLG (German Food Association) Gold Medal Award 2011 & 2012. ABV – 5.2%

. Seeradler Classik - A true shandy experience, made with a combination of Leibinger's popular Edel Spezial beer and refreshing homemade lemonade. ABV – 2.6%

. Seeradler Plus - An exotic shandy experience, made with a combination of Leibinger's Seeweisse Crystal Wheat beer and the refreshingly tangy flavor of grapefruit lemonade. ABV – 2.6%



. Cutthroat Pale Ale - Finch's Pale Ale is a refreshing experience from the pop of the top. Its fresh and hoppy taste with just enough supporting malt makes it easy to kick back more than just one. Our late kettle additions of American hop varieties and dry hopping techniques make this beer one of our favorites. ABV – 5.6%

. Threadless IPA - Our Threadless/Finch collaboration IPA is a balanced experience of both perceived hoppiness and true bitterness. It pours a darker amber color and finishes with a citrus flavor, and when combined, will require this to be the last IPA you ever drink! ABV – 6.0%

. Secret Stache Stout - Secret Stache Stout is a robust stout. The specialty ingredients, vanilla bean and lactose, lend to its complexity and full flavor. While no actual chocolate was used to brew this beer, heaps of chocolate malt give the beer its color as well as its chocolate and coffee notes. ABV – 5.3%



. Belgian-Style White Ale - This traditional White Ale is faithful to the Belgian Style with its light body, cloudy color and touch of spice. A complex, refreshing ale that's perfect for any season. ABV – 4.8%

. Holy Moly - Brewed in the Russian Imperial Stout style, this offering boasts plenty of malt character and an aggressive amount of hops. A rich, flavorful ale with a finish you won't believe. ABV – 10.0%

. Repent Rye - Analogous to Barleywine style ale, Repent Rye is brewed using a large percentage of Rye Malt to forgive the fresh Columbus hops. The end result grants you full absolution and our Rye-Wine Ale. Repent and enjoy! ABV – 9.0%



. Pick Axe IPA - A classic American India Pale Ale dominated by pleasant hop bitterness and aroma. Dry hops impart unique aromas and flavors that add to the complexity of this ale. Our PICK AXE uses a blend of American hops which melds into an award winning flavor. ABV – 6.2%

. Maple Nut Brown - A delicate amount of Maple Syrup is added to each barrel of our award winning Maple Nut Brown Ale to impart a roasted sweetness. This addition balances the nut flavor produced by Munich, caramel and chocolate malts used in the brewhouse, producing a drinkable brown ale with a relatively low alcohol content. ABV – 4.5%

. Hop Strike Black IPA – Hop Strike is a dry hopped black rye IPA. The beer is characterized by an intermingling of spicy citrus hops and chocolate malt. Hop Strike’ssubstantial 78 IBUS are balanced by roasted rye resulting in a nice depth of malt character and deep color. 93 Overall Score on ratebeer. ABV – 6.5%

. Oaked Bock - Oaked Bock combines our award winning Butt Head Bock Lager with heavily toasted Hungarian oak. The vanilla and spice character of the oak melds with the malty caramel flavors of our dopplebock. ABV – 8.0%



. Pale Ale - New Planet Beer’s Pale Ale – Formerly Off Grid Pale Ale - is reminiscent of a classic American Pale Ale, offering bold hop character and rich caramel and grapefruit notes with a clean yet distinctly hoppy finish. 2011, Craft Lager & Small Batch Festival, Gold Medal. 2012, Los Angeles International Commercial Beer Competition, Gold Medal. 2012, Craft Lager & Small Batch Festival, Silver Medal. ABV – 5.0%

. Raspberry Ale – This delightfully drinkable ale offers a crisp, yet complex, balance of subtle fruit flavor and aroma, with a zesty, citrusy finish. Brewed with natural raspberry puree and orange peel. 2010 Great American Beer Festival, Bronze Medal in Gluten Free Category. 2011 Los Angeles International Commercial Beer Competition, Gold Medal. 2011 Craft Lager & Small Batch Festival, Silver Medal. 2012 Los Angeles International Commercial Beer Competition, Silver Medal. 2012 Craft Lager & Small Batch Festival 2011, Gold Medal. ABV – 5.0%

. Brown Ale - This award-winning ale is rich in character and depth, highlighted by coffee and chocolate flavors, with subtle cinnamon and vanilla notes on the finish. 2012 GABF Silver Medal – Gluten Free Beer Category. 2013 GABF Bronze Medal – Gluten-Free Beer Category. ABV – 6.0%



. Sixty-Six American Amber Lager - A Silver Medal Winner at the 2013 World Beer Championships! Mustang '66 is a traditional, American amber lager brewed with four types of barley and a combination of Hallertauer and Willamette hops. It has all the crisp, clean characteristics of a good ole' American lager, with extra body and a beautiful brownish-red hue. ABV – 5.0%

. Wasita Wheat - A Gold Medal winner at the 2011, 2012 and 2013 World Beer Championships! Brewed with Oklahoma Red Wheat from the Washita River Valley, American and European barley, and Cluster and German Hallertauer hops. The red wheat produces a slightly different wheat beer than you are used to, incredibly smooth and oh, so good. ABV – 5.3%

. Winter Lager - Mustang Winter Lager is made with the finest blend of two-row barley, Hallertauer and Fuggles hops. Black Strap Molasses gives this smooth, malty beer a hint of smokiness, making it the perfect companion to keep you warm on those long, cold winter nights. Enjoy, but please enjoy responsibly. ABV – 6.0%



. Extra Pale Ale - A pioneer in craft beer (hey, that rhymes), Summit EPA has been gracing the pint glasses of serious brew lovers since 1986. With caramel, biscuity malts superbly balanced with an earthy hop bite and juicy citrus. Gold, 2010 World Beer Cup, Classic English-Style Pale Ale. Silver, 2012 World Beer Cup, Classic English-Style Pale Ale. Silver, 2010 Great American Beer Festival, Classic English-Style Pale Ale. ABV – 5.2%

. Horizon Red IPA - An inspired hybrid that blurs the boundaries between IPA and Amber styles. The exceptional blend of American hops (including the harder-to-find Horizon variety and the enigmatic Mosaic) gives it an intense pine, citrus and earthy character in the nose and on the tongue. ABV – 5.7%

. Sága IPA - The beer has pronounced hop flavors and aromas of kiwi, passionfruit, apricot and gooseberry. Clean, assertive bitterness with balancing Pale malt characteristics. We hop it with the rare New Zealand Rakau hop along with Citra, Centennial and Amarillo. Named after the Norse Goddess of Poetry, who was the God Odin’s drinking companion. ABV – 6.4%



. Bombshell Blonde Ale - Brewed with American Pale and Vienna malt that combine to give this ale its distinctive smooth, creamy body. Just enough hops are added to this rich, golden colored ale to perfectly balance its bready finish. Fermented at a cool temperature to give a clean finish. ABV – 5.25%

. Buried Hatchet Stout - Dark brown in color, this monster smells of coffee and chocolate. The taste is much of the same, with hints of creamy toffee and roasted malt. Smooth and delicious, this medium bodied ale is all about the malts, but has enough hop bitterness to be balanced. (98/98) on ratebeer. ABV – 8.25%

. Pine Belt Pale Ale - A deep copper colored ale with a substantial malt backbone accented with British crystal malts with aggressive hop bitterness and substantial American hop flavor and aroma. The yeast profile is neutral. (90/92) on ratebeer. ABV – 6.3%

. Valkyrie Double IPA - A pungently hoppy deep copper ale, this double IPA takes its influence from the hop loving city of San Diego California where the hop varieties of the Pacific Northwest reign supreme. With two hop additions, copious amounts of Simcoe and Centennial hops give an aroma of marmalade jam and tangerine zest masking the 9.5% ABV underneath. On the palate the beer is dry but contains enough malt character to balance the dominant flavors of ripe grapefruit and candied citrus, finishing with a slight spiciness from the Columbus hops. Clean and crisp, hoppy yet deceptively balanced: 100 IBU hop bomb than holds its own against its California brethren. 95 Overall Score on ratebeer. ABV – 9.5%

. LeMort Vivant – French style Bière de Garde. Rustic, malty and complex. Displays subtle notes of baked apples and stewed pears in the nose and flavor. Hints of anise and delicate spice. ABV – 6.6%



. Ale Mucho Hoppo Double IPA (IPA) Hop headed and heavy handed with 100 IBU, this luchador is not known for subtleness. In fact, it’s Ale Mucho. Aggressively hopped with Chinook, Columbus, Tomahawk, and Zeus.

. Hoptimistic IPA - Hoptimistic IPA has intense hop bitterness and flavor. This ale is further characterized by fruity, floral and citrus-like aromas due to American-variety hops. This copper/orange hued ale has a nicely balanced medium maltiness which contributes to a medium body that goes down easy, leaving a lingering bitterness that is hard to resist. ABV – 6.5%

. Tornado Alley Amber Ale - American Amber Ale, with a rich red hue. Made with American variety hops used to produce a medium-high hop bitterness, flavor, and aroma. The hops help to balance the malty caramel character. With a medium-full body, this ale has subtle fruity aromas and flavors sure to please any beer lovers palate! ABV – 5.6%

VINO’S// Little Rock, AR


. Slaughterhouse Saison w blood orange and hibiscus

. Firkin of double dry hopped Amarillo IPA

. Holy Molé Scorpion Pepper Milk Stout .



..Free Range Brown Ale (Ale) 6% ABV. This American Brown Ale is highly approachable. We use a hearty combination of specialty malts to produce the deep mahogany hue and to promote a roasty-toasty character. Subtle aromas of cocoa and caramel mingle with an earthy hop profile. Our brown ale roams freely with a wide range of food pairings, and the Cascade hops are grown locally at the Dunbar Community Garden.



. Black Hops “BLACK HOPS” is our interpretation of a new beer style called Cascadian Dark Ale that originated in the Northwest United States. It is an American IPA loaded with hop varieties from that region of the country. However, this is not your ordinary AIPA. The grain bill resembles that of a British Porter. The flavor is balanced citrus like hop bitterness with noticeable roasted malt and chocolate notes. A nice dry finish with the aroma of the Northwest dry hopping very present.

. Pelagia's Patersbier The term "patersbier" does not designate a style as such; it is usually a weaker version of one of the regular beers, and may only be offered to the Brothers on festive occasions. Made only from pilsner malt, hops, and yeast, the complexity that results from these simple ingredients is staggering: perfumey floral hops, ripe pear fruit, sour apple, spicy cloves, candied citrus and a slight biscuit character on the drying finish….a monk’s session beer.



.. Bock A true German Bock beer, malty and strong!

.. Amber Lager

.. Light of the Ozarks

.. Maibock Pours a clear amber with a beige head of foam. The aroma is malty with notes of nuts, raisins, and toffee, with a trace of funky vinegar. The taste is sweet bread with a tart finish. Medium to high carbonation and medium body.



. Black Walnut Wheat (Ale) Buckets, burlap bags and pickup truck beds are filled with black walnuts each fall in the Ozarks. The rich and lively flavor of the wild, hand-harvested black walnut is a renowned flavor of the region. We’re proud to continue celebrating local flavor and tradition with our handcrafted Black Walnut Wheat Ale.

. Float Trip Ale (Ale) A float trip is the quintessential Ozark experience. A canoe, kayak, raft or tube and a pristine spring-fed Missouri stream creates a lasting memory of our wild and beautiful outdoors. Our hand-crafted blonde ale is the perfect accompaniment to your day on the river or to simply bring back float trip memories.

. Masked Bandit IPA (India Pale Ale) In the Ozarks, the masked bandit is notorious for raiding the corn patch. Or, for finding—and eating—the perfectly ripe watermelon in the garden just before it’s picked. Our handcrafted Masked Bandit India Pale Ale is a black rye IPA that is raccoon proof . . . as long as the raccoon in your neck of the woods isn’t a hop head.

. Missouri Mule IPA (India Pale Ale) Missouri mules hauled hundreds of wagons across the West and packed supplies in World Wars I & II. For decades, mules were also the most reliable Ozark farm hands. Like a Missouri mule, you can rely on our handcrafted India Pale Ale. This IPA packs a hop explosion that will not let you down.



. Bottle Tree Blonde (Belgian Pale Ale) A unique Blonde is a blend of four malted grains, noble hops finished off with that great Belgian yeast, resulting in a well balanced aroma



. West Coast IPA (India Pale Ale) This West Coast-Style India Pale Ale is extravagantly hopped, full flavored, medium bodied and copper colored. A menagerie of hops is combined throughout the brewing process to impart specific characteristics. Hops used include Simcoe for a unique fruitiness and grapefruit zest, Columbus for strong hop pungency, Centennial for pine and citrus notes, and Cascade for floral aroma.

. Hop Head Red (Amber Ale) Resinous hop characteristics emerge from an enormous hopping with Columbus, Nugget and Amarillo overtaking the rich caramel malt base. To add luscious hop flavors and enticingly floral hop aromas, we dry-hop the brew with bucket loads of Amarillo hops. Welcome to the world of Red IPA.

. Saison Diego (India Pale Ale) Our Summer Saison is a delicious golden farmhouse ale, brewed with orange peel, ginger, and grains of paradise. A very refreshing, Belgian-inspired summer ale.

. Double Stout (Foreign Stout) Golden naked oats mashed with dark crystal and robust roasted malts create a luscious black brew with a satin smooth finish. Layering UK Target hops in the boil adds a pleasant, earthy complexity while higher fermentation temperatures enhance the overall flavor with fruity esters. An old-world style, done the Green Flash way. Big, bold, flavorful and complex – Double Stout.

. Rayon Vert (Ale) If Green Flash were founded in historical Belgium, Rayon Vert would have been our flagship brew. A bold layering of hops finds balance from traditional malts. Bottle conditioning with fresh ale yeast and Brettanomyces finishes the beer, adding a delightful effervescence, dryness and continuously evolving character. Rayon Vert is Green Flash.

. Hop Odyssey Black IPA This American-style Black IPA is nearly jet black and perceived to have high hop bitterness, flavor and aroma with medium-high alcohol content, balanced with a medium body. The appearance may trick you into thinking you are about to enjoy a traditional stout beer when in fact your senses are about to be overwhelmed with our Black IPA. Juicy, fruity, floral, and pine from Pacific Northwest hops gives the beer a classic West Coast IPA hop character. The Black IPA is further characterized by a balanced and moderate degree of caramel malt and subdued dark roasted malt flavor and aroma. 7.2% ABV, 85 Hops used: Warrior, Citra, Cascade.


. Hanssens Oude Gueuze (Lambic) As with all Gueuzes, Hanssens is a mixture of several vintages to produce a lambic which is refreshingly fruity. This is the result of blending different lambics of different ages. The second fermentation takes place inside the bottles and therefore they are stored for minimum six months in constant temperature kept cellars.



. HopBox Imperial IPA (Imperial IPA) This Imperial IPA has a large Hop aroma and sweetness from dark caramel malts.

. Red Fox (Imperial Stout) Russian Imperial Sbic ricstout brewed with chocolate and roasted barley malts. This beer has the essences of chocolate and roasted coffee.

VANBERG & DEWOLF // Cooperstown, NY


. Peche Mel (BelgianAle) Pêche Mel’Bush is a highly fermented, filtered beer with an alcohol volume of 8.5%, which will make it without a doubt the strongest fruit-flavored beer.

. Contessa Italian Pale Ale (IPA) An “Italian Pale Ale” evoking “summer in Tuscany under a full moon.” It features herbal, floral and citrus aromas of tangerine and grapefruit. The sugary caramel notes yield to sweet bitter American hops. There is a subtle lilt of chestnut and the finish is attenuated.



. Kilt Lifter Scotch Ale (Scotch Ale) Robust and Strapping with rich malt balances perfectly with delicate hops to provide a concentrated and intense flavor; an ideal companion for hearty foods, or as a meal unto itself.

. Orange and Black Congrats Ale! (Black Ale) To honor our World Champions at the Cove, we have created a smooth, American black ale brewed with orange zest. A hearty brew for the bleacher bums, gardeners of turf, and patient fans who have endured 54 years of pine-grabbing torture. An adult beverage to salute the bat, the Stick, the rally thong., the crab, the seal, the chickens, the Thrill, the bowties in the office, the golden voices in the booth, and all of the San Francisco legends that helped them get there.

. Celts Golden Ale (Ale) Mellow and refreshing with a slight dryness and crisp hoppiness. This California Golden Ale is the perfect “session” beer, an excellent ale that compliments all occasions.

. Our Dark Secret (India Pale Ale) Richly crafted and assertively hopped, Moylan’s Our Dark Secret is a Black IPA like no other. Our version of international spirit starts with specially selected Barley Malts from Europe and North America but finishes with the finest hops from Downunder. The star of the show is a new crop of "Victoria Secret" hop flowers from Australia. Along with Stella, Galaxy, and Summer hops from the fields of Tasmania, you are in for a collaboration of intercontinental

. Hop Craic XXXXIPA (India Pale Ale) Some addictions need to be taken to the next level. Laced with resinous oils from the lupulus cultivar, Hop Craic satiates the cravings of the hard core hop abuser. Warming alcohol and mind-bending hops will send you on a trip you will want to take again and again. 10.4% abv - draught only!


Choc Beer


. Pete’s Place 1919 (Wheat Ale) Starting with beer-perfect Krebs water, we blend American Malted Barley, wheat, and roasted malts with American-grown Liberty and Cascade hops to create more than just a beer... a legendary Choc beer is unfiltered, so all the flavor we create stays where it belongs. And since it's unfiltered, you may notice a cloudy haze in the beer. This is normal. Tradition dictates Choc beer "bottle-conditions," which means it's fermented a second time in the bottle, as well as aged in the bottle, resulting in a thin layer of yeast at the bottom. You can choose to carefully decant the beer off the yeast, or simply drink it, as we do, and let the yeast travel into your glass.

. Choc Black OPA Pours an all but black dark brown. The head is light tan and thick with good retention. The smell is roasted charred malts, roasted coffee beans, pine needles, grapefruit, notes of yeasty and caramel come out as it warms. Flavors of dark chocolate, dry black malts, caramel---drying finish--good

. Choc OPA Belgian Style Pours a hazy golden-amber body with a creamy, durable headl. Smell is lemon and grapefruit, herbal leafy hops, earthy pine, floral and spicy. Flavor is toasted grain, nuts, anise, basil, nice bitterness, heavy bittersweet finish.

. Choc Bourbon Barrel OPA Pale ale aged in bourbon barrels.

VIP Only
Choc Brewmasters Signature Michael Lalli Gose
The German city of Leipzig is home to one of the world’s most unusual styles: Gose (pronounced
"goes-ah"), a tart wheat brew. Despite a centuries old lineage, this eclectic brew recently faced extinction. We pay tribute to this style’s rich history by using premium German pilsner malt, wheat, a dash of coriander and salt. The sourness and dry finish are the perfect treat on a hot summer day.

Prairie Artisan Ales


. Prairie Artisan Ales Standard (Saison) Prairie Standard is our everyday beer. It’s a light, crisp saison with a hoppy finish. This beer is dry hopped 1lb per bbl with Motueka hops. A lovely New Zealand hop with a spicy lime like flavor and aroma.

. Prairie Artisan Ales Birra (Ale) A light, sessionable farmhouse ale. It is crisp with notes of black pepper and orange and goes perfectly with food.

. Prairie Artisan Bomb! (Stout) Imperial Stout aged on coffee, cacao nibs, vanilla beans and chili peppers.



. St. Bernardus Abt 12 (Quadrupel) A dark ivory colored beer with a high fermentation. The show piece of the brewery. Thanks to its soft and unconditionally genuine aroma, the beer can be smoothly tasted. The Abt has a very fruity flavor.

STIEGL // Austria


. Goldbrau (Lager) Stiegl Goldbräu boasts an unrivalled, well rounded, balanced and wonderfully thirst-quenching flavour. Mildly hopped with a typical refreshing beer bouquet, golden colour, a magnificent fine head and pleasant aftertaste, Stiegl Goldbräu is the enjoyment of beer at the highest level.

. Grapefruit Radler (Fruit Lager) Halg Stiegl Goldbrau and half high quality grapefruit soda with all-natural flavors. Low in calories and alcohol content.

. Pils A fine, lively type of beer, with a bouquet produced by premium quality Saaz hops to stimulate the senses - that’s Stiegl Pils.



. Hefe Weizen (Hefeweizen) Sudwerk Hefe-Weizen is a Bavarian style unfiltered wheat beer with a light fruity taste and a slightly spicy finish.

. Pilsner Imperial (Pilsner) Our Pilsner with increased hops & malts that brings a subtle punch (7% abv)

. Maibock (Heller Bock) Copper in color, this rich, malty lager is assertively hopped with German Tettnanger hops, producing a complex lager beer, a classic example of this style.

. Fest Lager (Lager) Rich golden lager, complex and artfully balanced, reminiscent of Bavaria’s most popular style — Munchener Helles. Crafted with three specialty malts and the highest quality Bavarian hops.

CERVECERIA HONDURENA // San Pedro Sula, Honduras


. Port Royal Export (Lager) Port Royal is a premium beer and export quality. It offers refreshing taste, especially for those seeking the best and should be highlighted.

VANBERG & DEWOLF // Cooperstown, NY


. Saison Dupont Belgian Ale (Belgian Ale) Snappy, yeasty, with a clean, bright quality. This has led to Foret, a Saison beer that is the first certified organic beer in Belgium. Foret is 5% abv, has the recognizable house yeast character, but it is more angular in its taste.



. Fox Tail Gluten Free (Pale Ale) A gluten free pale that has citrus notes and is light bodied. You will find no sorghum in this beer, but rather organic rices, nectars and North American hops.

EVIL TWIN BREWING // Cophenhagen/Brooklyn, Denmark


. Ryan and the Beaster Bunny (Saison) In Denmark we have a lovely tradition for seasonal beer, and what you have here is certainly no exception. This is a neverbefore seen collaboration between Ryan and the Beaster Bunny. A fluffy and precious Saison originally conceived of on the beautiful island of Fanø.

. Bikini Beer (Pale Ale) Named after atom bomb test grounds, designed by a French car engineer - the bikini was to many a disturbing and degrading creation but fortunately for others a symbol of emancipation. This is attractively light bodied, seductively well balanced and very drinkable Bikini Beer is anything but a sissy beer.



. Stillwater Forklore (Stout) Human history is filled with myths and legends that shape and define our culture. Rituals, celebrations, gatherings.. whatever. One thing that’s for sure, is we enjoy a proper shindig. So let’s get the stories flowing and share a little ’Folklore’. A bracingly deep ale, built dark and rich with an elegantly lean body, accompanied by heady aromas of Belgian yeast, earthy hops and gently kissed by a wisp of smoke.



. Omnipollo Mazarin Mazarin is my take on a “thinker’s beer”. Rather than being big and undecipherably complex I wanted to create something that would calm a hop yearning nerve without fuddling the brain too much. In other words, a lavishly hopped ale of judicious ABV — an Extra Special Pale Ale if you will. In fact, so extra special that it snatched a gold medal at the Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2013.

BRASSERIE DE I’ABBAYE DES ROCS // Montignies-sur-Roc, Belgium


. Abbaye des Rocs Brune A pure malt beer, with no added sugar. The entire range of tastes is directly linked to the double fermentation, the precise quantities of malts (7 types) as well as the mixtures of three kinds of hops (Belgian, German and Czech). Its colour is a striking deep and majestic red. Its taste is rich and full of subtlety. It is tasted like a red wine with which it shares the ruby colour without having the tannin. It develops a strong sweet smell. It confirms the initial impression in the first mouthful, with a sharp body that is balanced with a certain fruitiness. It frees itself on the palate and develops an impressive depth of taste. Some traces of burnt wood are detectable, but never scorched even if it contains this kind of malt. The foretaste is very prolonged because of its rich and unctuous development throughout the mouth. The bitter and sugar tendencies (even though there is no sugar in its  composition) compete and come back together to the taster's great satisfaction. It is a deep, mystic and extremely mature beer to be classed among the great products of our soil.

STIFT ENGELSZELL TRAPPISTENBIER-BRAUEREI // Engelhartszell an der Donau, Austria


. Gregorius Trappistenbier The first bottles of beer which, since 1 June 2012 The first Variety called Gregorius and is a dark triple with 9.7 vol% Alc. available in 0.33 liter bottles.

. Benno Trappistenbier Spezialbier, kühl und dunker lagern, gebraut von: siehe unten

SVYTURYS // Klaipeda, Lithuania


. Švyturys White A wheat Hefeweizen beer, member of the traditional Švyturys collection. It is defined by a refreshing taste and flavour that resembles a bouquet of cloves, bananas, plums, orange peel and exotic fruit. This non-filtered, cloudy beer with its peculiar taste and exceptional flavour should be served with a slice of lemon in a special pre-chilled glass. A wheat beer glass quite sharply flared at the top to look a bit like an hourglass, designed so as to perfectly reveal the flavour of this exclusive beer. Beer White perfectly complements fish, seafood, soft cheese, and light fruit desserts.



. Ryetopia (Barley Wine) This has been, literally, a year in the making. This beer is the first, of hopefully many, beers that will come from our barrel aging program. Ryetopia was brewed with a generous portion of malted and crystal rye, which lends a spicy complexity to the beer. To balance out the malt flavors, Ryetopia was hopped with Bravo, Apollo, and Cascade hops. Aged in Kentucky bourbon barrels, this is a smooth sipper of a beer that will age well in the years to come. According to HBC Head Brewer Greg Filippi has this to say about the beer. Ryetopia is our homage to the delicious yet often overlooked rye malt. We started with a big bold barleywine style ale, then beefed it up with a healthy dose of rye malt and crystal rye (about 16% of the total grist). Rye is known for its dry, slightly spicy flavor in beer. Crystal rye goes through a different malting process which converts some of the starches in the grain into simpler sugars before we add it to our mash. This results in a sweeter flavor, adding hints of licorice and toffee to the finished beer.

. Ale of the Imp Pours out a brilliantly clear gold color with an off-white colored head. The aroma is an intoxicating mixture of pungent piney hops with fragrant floral notes. Ale of the Imp is the perfect craft beer for the hop head! It has an herbal hop flavor with a bright, citrusy character, and light toasted malt backbone. With 100 IBUs per bottle, Ale of the Imp, has an aggressive hop bitterness that lingers on the palate. Lingers. This is a medium-full bodied beer with high carbonation and a dry finish.



. Tildonk This traditional sour beer using wild yeasts from around the farm. This gives the beer a smooth, refreshing acidity. After one year of aging in wooden barrels, this beer is ready.

BERBER // Guadalajara, Mexico


. Cerveza Berber Porter (Porter) Stout , delicious, medium-bodied , with a creamy head and a roasted malt flavor such as chocolate and black . Likewise has a mild flavor hops.



. Milwaukee Special Reserve Lager (Pale Lager) Pours a clear golden color with white head. Faint straw smell. Light bodied, mild, easy to drink. Dry finish, thirst quencher. Serve ice cold.



. High Dry and Dusty Our ginger methyglin. It is a sessionable, dry and slightly carbonated mead reminiscent of a very dry ginger ale. Bright, crisp and spicy, this mead can clear a palette and leave it feeling refreshed and thirsty for more. Exceptionably good over ice, this mead is perfect for a hot day in Missouri.

. KCC&S Gyser Our flagship mead. It is a session-strength, slightly carbonated or “petillant”, semi-sweet mead made from a blending of honey and fresh pressed apple cider. It is pale straw gold, crystal clear and has a refreshing sharpness from our liberal use of Granny Smith apples in our cider. Our cyser is technically similar to a hard cider but is less tart and emphasizes both honey and apple flavors.

. Berry Picker Our super berry melomel. It is a session-strength, petillant and sweet mead made from a blend of wildflower honey with strawberries, blueberries, blackberrries and red raspberries. This beverage is sweet, but not too sweet, fruity and an explosion of fresh berry flavor.



. Snapshot (Wheat) Snap! You just captured an unfiltered wheat beer full of refreshment and a flask of tart at the finish. Smile-inducing aromas of citrus hops jump from the nose, accompanied by the sweetness of coriander and grains of paradise. Brewed with wheat and pale malt, Snapshot pours a hazy, lemon-yellow with bright-white lacing. But the real enticement is the snap of tart. New Belgium’s affinity for sour beers led to the in-process blending of lactobacillus to pucker up Snapshot’s base. An extra step to acidify and beautify and get this beer ready for its close up.

. Spring Blonde (Ale) Inspired by our anniversary bike trips through Belgium. Spring Blonde is a bright golden ale with a sweet lemony start, pedaling to a pleasantly bitter finish.

. Fat Tire (Ale) This Amber Ale uses a broad palette of ingredients of fruits, spices, esoteric yeast strains that yields to a toasty, biscuit-like malt flavors coasting in equilibrium with hoppy freshness.

. Trippel (Belgian Ale) Our Trippel Belgian Style Ale (pronounced triple) opens with a bold blast of hops that slowly gives way to the fruity esters implied by our Belgian yeast strain. The Three Graces hand-painted on the label are Zeus’s daughters Aglaia (splendor), Euphrosyne (mirth) and Thalia (good cheer). In the Belgian tradition of brewing singles, doubles and triples, Trippel is the strongest with the longest fermentation. Remarkably smooth and complex, our bottle-conditioned Trippel is
spiced with a trace of coriander.

. Mighty Arrow (American Pale Ale) This Pale Ale provides lots of pleasurable sniffs from Amarillo and Cascade hops with a fetching honey malt base. This is our brewed tribute to Arrow, Kim’s Aussie/Border Collie mix who ran (literally) New Belgium for 12 years. When she wasn’t patrolling the brewery grounds, she was famous for her office visits: She never met a tummy rub she didn’t like. Atta girl Arrow.

. Ranger IPA (India Pale Ale) Bring out the hops! This clear amber beauty bursts at the starting gate with an abundance of hops: Cascade (citrus), Chinook (floral/citrus), and Simcoe (fruity) lead off the beer, with Cascade added again for an intense dry hop flavor. Brewed with pale and dark caramel malts that harmonize the hop flavor from start to finish.

. Rampant IPA (India Pale Ale) A burly and bitter Imperial IPA, Rampant pours a pure copper and carries the sheen of a rightly hopped beer. The Mosaic and
Calypso hops bring stonefruit to the front seat, and the addition of Centennials nod towards citrus for a well-rounded aroma.

* VIP ONLY Lips of Faith – Wild² Dubbel This wild Colorado version of the Belgian Dubbel ropes you in with clove and dark fruit aromas. Deeply rich and malty,
every sip has a creamy texture true to Belgian tradition before it rides off with hints of black pepper and cinnamon from the addition of shisandra berries.

* VIP ONLY Lips of Faith - Cigar City Brewing Collaboration (Ale) Our Belgian yeast tangos with Anaheim and Marash peppers along with loads of citrusy hops to
create and ale full of spice. Aged on Spanish Cedar to salute our mutual love for wood!

ST. JAMES GATE // Dublin, Ireland


..Guinness Pub Draft Launched in 1961. Pale ale malt, about 25 to 30% flaked barley, and about 10% roasted barley, with no other grains or sugars; several hop varieties, mainly Goldings (pellets and isomerized extract); a flocculent head-forming ale yeast.

..Guinness Black Lager (Schwarzbier) Cold-brewed with roasted barley to deliver the refreshing taste of lager with the unique character of Guinness. Enjoy ice cold straight from the bottle.

DUNDALK // Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland


..Smithwick's Ale (Irish Ale) Ireland’s number one ale. Its exceptional taste, distinctive colour and purity of ingredients make it unique. Its rich, satisfying taste has earned it five gold medals in the famous Monde Selection Beer Tasting Competition. Smithwick’s is produced using the finest hops and special roasted, malted barley.

SAM ADAMS // Boston, MA


Sam Adams Summer Style Variety

..Summer Ale - Crisp and tangy with refreshing lemon peel and a hint of pepper from rare Grains of Paradise. Golden, hazy, & thirst quenching, this American wheat ale balances bright citrus, Noble hops & spice for a lively brew that’s perfect on any summer day.

..Tetravis - Bold & rich, this enveloping quad builds its force and character through interlacing layers of flavor. Its deep complexity begins with a molasses sweetness with notes of dark fruits like raisins and figs but develops further with an undercurrent of tart spice from its distinctive Belgian yeast for a truly transfixing brew.

..Rebel IPA - That first batch of Boston Lager brewed in Jim Koch’s kitchen in 1984 was the start of a revolution. 30 years later, we’re still brewing for the craft beer revolution with our latest release, Rebel IPA.

..Boston Lager® This Go To Beer™ started it all. Samuel Adams Boston Lager helped lead the American beer revolution, reviving a passion for full-bodied brews that are robust and rich with character. Since 1984, Samuel Adams Boston Lager has used only the finest hand-selected ingredients to create this perfectly balanced, complex and full-bodied original brew.

..Porch Rocker® Tart & refreshing, this unique summer quencher is our twist on the Bavarian Radler, named for cyclists that originated this drink. Traditionally a mixture of beer and lemonade, for our take we combined the crispness of a golden Helles lager with a blend of lemons to create a fresh squeezed tangy taste perfect for the long yet fleeting days of summer.

..Belgian Session A crisp, refreshing version of a traditional Belgian beer. Fruity, slightly spicy flavors from the Belgian yeast are balanced by toffee and caramel notes from our blend of malts while the hops provide a citrus character that rounds out this enjoyable brew.

..Blueberry Hill Lager™ (Lager) This crisp, unfiltered lager is aged on blueberries for a pleasant blueberry aroma and taste. To take this fruity character in a new direction, we brewed with Tettnang Tettnanger Noble hops for an added subtle citrus note - a delicious blend of flavors with a smooth lager finish.

..White Lantern (Ale) White ales have a long history of unique ingredients, as Belgian brewers experimented with spices discovered during the spice trade. For our hazy brew we created a refreshing combination of crisp wheat, the tangy sweetness of tangerine & orange peel, and the subtle spiciness of coriander & Grains of Paradise.



..Short Straw Farmhouse Red Ale Farmhouse Ales were brewed for the diligent farmhands who drew the short straw and had to work the arduous harvest. Our brewmaster’s expression blends the spiciness of a Farmhouse Ale with the tartness of a Flanders Red for a remarkably refreshing finish.

..Rounder (Pale Ale) In the 1940's, Belgian-Style Pale Ales grew in popularity and were ordered by the round due to their balanced taste. Rounder, our expression of this sessionable style, is crafted with hibiscus and orange peel for a hint of spiciness and touch of wheat for a smoother, rounder taste.

..Belgium White It started with our brewmaster, Keith Villa, wanting to craft a beer inspired by the flavorful Belgian Wits he enjoyed while studying brewing in Belgium. He brewed his interpretation using Valencia orange peel versus the traditional tart Curaçao orange peel, for a subtle sweetness. Then he added oats and wheat to create a smooth, creamy finish that’s inviting to the palate. As a final touch, he garnished the beer with an orange slice to heighten the citrus aroma and taste.



..Canoe Paddler All Kölsch-style beers are easy-drinking and crisp, but Leinenkugel's® Canoe Paddler® adds a touch of rye for a slightly spicy flavor and a clean, dry finish. It's our take on a German classic that's perfect for winding down and relaxing.

..Hoppin Helles Traditional Helles-style beers tend to be a tad malty. Leinenkugel’s® Hoppin' Helles™ is our spin on the style that puts it a bit on the hoppy side with five American hops. It is a session German lager that starts bright and citrusy with a tropical hop aroma and low bitterness.

..Summer Shandy A shandy is beer mixed with a little something extra like soda, juice or ginger ale. Leinenkugel's® Summer Shandy® is a traditional wheat beer with refreshing natural lemonade flavor that makes it perfect for the sun-splashed summer months.



..Apple Ale Ale with natural apple flavor & caramel color

..Strawberry Ale Ale with natural apple and strawberry flavors and with caramel color added

..Hard Iced Tea Ale that tastes like real tea but also delivers an incredibly smooth and refreshing drinking experience.



..Smith & Forge Hard Cider A strong, sturdy but not-too-sweet fermented alcoholic beverage built from the juice of apples. It’s not actually hard, as that would be impossible to drink.



. Pale Ale (English Pale Ale) The perfectly balanced Classic English Pale Ale, medium bodied, with both sweetness from the malt and a pleasant hoppy aroma.

. Dogtown Brown This is a rendition of one of our first recipes that we made into a lager to give it an extra smooth, malty, and chocolaty flavor. This beer has a nice blend of malts and a complementing blend of hops that gives it a great balance.

. Southern Blonde (German Pilsner) This crisp golden German Pilsner lager is light in body and big in taste. It can be enjoyed all year round.

. Two Term Double IPA (India Pale Ale) Two Term has intense hop bitterness, flavor and aroma. The hop character is balanced with complex alcohol flavors, fruity esters and significant malt character. Dry hopped to perfection.

. Irish Red and Andina's Cafe Irish Cream Coffee Firkin Irish style red ale is bold and smooth, brewed with a rich blend of malt to give it a rich red full body. Generous amounts of hops brings out the wonderful aroma mixed with Andina’s Café Irish Cream Coffee for a unique flavor profile.



. White Wing (Wheat Ale) Brewed with authentic Belgian Yeast and hints of coriander and orange peel, White Wing has all the spice and citrus aroma of a true-to-style Belgian Wheat Ale. Slightly sweet and highly drinkable, it’s a delightfully odd bird.

. Wild Hare (Pale Ale) This classic American Pale Ale features two row barley malt with a blend of Munich and Caramel malt for rich malt flavor and golden color. High alpha Bravo and delicate US Golding hops are used in the kettle and fermenter for crisp bitterness and assertive fresh hop fruit and floral aroma.

. Ruby Redbird (Lager) Brewed with genuine Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit, the signature sweet citrus of the Rio Grande Valley, and ginger. This lager beer features grapefruit tartness and finishes with a 'lil kick of ginger.



. Cayman Jack Margarita Cayman Jack is obsessed with natural ingredients. Sure, they're more expensive and a little harder to find but it's not about that. It's about delivering a product with unrivaled taste, a drink we at Cayman Jack would be proud to put our names on. It's about creating the most refreshing margarita in the world.



. Gandy Dancer Honey Ale With a blend of aromatic rye and a whisper of Orange Blossom honey, our Gandy Dancer is light and sparkling, yet full of flavor. The addition of three varieties of hops guarantees an inviting and complex taste, proving that lighter beers can have character.



. Tank 7 (Belgian-style Farmhouse Ale) Beginning with a big surge of fruity aromatics and grapefruit-hoppy notes, the flavor of this complex, straw-colored ale tapers off to a peppery, dry finish.

. Irish Ale Boulevard’s spring seasonal beer, is our Midwestern tribute to the legendary red ales of old Ireland. Our recipe combines six kinds of pale and roasted barley malts to provide a rich, toasty flavor and tawny reddish hue. Whole hops are added to enhance the beer’s complexity and to produce a pleasing balance.

. Unfiltered Wheat A lively, refreshing ale with a naturally citrusy flavor and distinctive cloudy appearance. It is reminiscent of the wheat beers that were brewed at the turn of the century, before the advent of modern filtration. This easy-drinking American-style wheat beer has become our most popular offering, and the best-selling craft beer in the Midwest. 2008 GABF gold medal winner in Session Beer category.

. Smokestack Series – Imperial Stout Like India Pale Ale, Imperial Stouts were originally brewed with high percentages of malt and hops to help them withstand the rigors of a long sea journey, not to India but to Imperial Russia and the Baltic States. Our version is an over-the-top riff on the style, with a huge grain bill featuring several kinds of malted barley, wheat, rye, and oats. A portion of the batch has been aged in whiskey barrels, then blended with fresh ale before bottling. Za Vas!

. Smokestack Series – Chocolate Ale One of the brightest stars in a city filled with culinary treasures, Christopher Elbow has been hand-crafting masterpieces in chocolate for more than ten years. In that time the reputation of his artistic delicacies has spread around the globe. Elbow’s sweets are distinguished by their use of unusual and sometimes surprising flavors and ingredients; in that adventurous spirit we joined forces to bring you a very special Chocolate Ale. Chocolate Ale is full of surprises, beginning with a glowing amber hue. The aroma is given over to earthy, fruity cocoa, with just a hint of hops. Smooth layers of dark chocolate intertwine with threads of caramel, vanilla, and nutty malt as the flavor warms and rounds to a bittersweet finish.



. Voodoo Doughnut Chocolate Peanut Butter and Banana Ale - A Collision of Crazies Rogue Ales has again collided with Voodoo Doughnut to create Chocolate, Banana & Peanut Butter Ale! This unique artisan creation contains a baker’s dozen ingredients including chocolate, banana and peanut butter to match Voodoo’s "Memphis Mafia" doughnut- a nod to Elvis’ entourage.

. Voodoo Doughnut Pretzel, Raspberry, and Chocolate Ale - 2-Row, Munich, C120, Chocolate, Black - Kiln Coffee & Rogue Farms Dare™ and Risk™ Malts; Rogue Farms Rebel Hops™; Pretzels, Rasberry Extract, Chocolate, Pacman Yeast & Free Range Coastal Water


. Dad’s Little Helper Black IPA - After the death of his wife, Henry Jackson Smart was left to raise his 6 young children alone. His courage, love, selflessness and dedication inspired his daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd, to organize the first Father’s Day on June 19th, 1910. In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. President Nixon, in 1972, established it as a permanent day of national observance. Dad’s Little Helper Black IPA is deep mahogany in
color with roasted malt and hop aromas and dense creamy head. It enters the palate with intense hop flavor and coats the tongue with a rich maltiness from the Rogue Farms Risk Malt. Beer stats: 15º PLATO 70 IBU 73 AA 77º Lovibond Malteries Franco-Belges, Carawheat, Weyermann Melanoidin, Wyermann Carafe Special II & Rogue Micro Barley Farm Risk Malts; Newport, Chinook & Rogue Micro Hopyard Rebel Hops, Free Range Coastal Water.

. American Amber Ale - Tawny amber in color with a coffee aroma and tight head. A delicate roasted malt accent, generous use of hops and a smooth finish. 13º PLATO. Ingredients: water, barley malt (Great Western 2-Row Malt, C40, C150), Cascade hops, Pacman yeast.

. Farms 7 Hop IPA - Beer begins in the dirt. In a bold collaboration with Mother Nature, we grow 7 varieties of aroma hops at Rogue Farms in Independence, OR. We also string, stake, train, test, trim, separate, sort, kiln and cool them. Brewmaster John Maier had 7 varieties available, but rather than picking from among them, he chose all 7 to create a proprietary palate for 7 Hop IPA.

. Farms Honey Kolsch - We grow bees. Taste the difference. Rogue Farms Dare™ and Risk™ Malts; Wheat, DextraPils & Aciduated Malts; Rogue Hopyard Honey & Wild Flower Honey; Alluvial Hops; Free Range Coastal Water and Kolsch #2 Yeast.



. Brother Thelonious (Dark Strong Ale) Like a Belgian “Dark Strong Ale”, the beer is rich and robust with a dark mahogany color and an ABV of 9.3%.

. Old Stock Ale Like a fine port, Old Stock Ale is intended to be laid down. With an original gravity of over 1.100 and a generous hopping rate, Old Stock Ale is well-designed to round out and mellow with age. It's brewed with classic Maris Otter malt and Fuggles and East Kent Goldings hops, all imported from England.

. Old Rasputin (Russian Imperial Stout) It's a rich, intense brew with big complex flavors and a warming finish.

. Pranqster (Belgian Ale) A Belgian style golden ale brewed using a mixed culture of antique yeast strains that produce a floral nose, a full fruity flavor and a clean finish.

. La Merle A rustic ale, pale in color, inspired by the rich brewing traditions of the Flanders region. Abundant hops and a Belgian yeast strain contribute exotic aromas of tropical fruit.

. Old Stock Cellar Reserve is a one-time, small batch, limited release that has been aged in oak whiskey barrels. The aging process gives this world-class beer an added layer of complexity. A memorable drink that should be enjoyed as a completely unique offering.

. Old Rasputin Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout Seems hard to believe that we’ve been making Old Rasputin for 10 years now, but that’s what’s happened. And, to celebrate the occasion, we’ve brewed a special small batch that’s been aged for 9 months in some 12 year-old bourbon barrels. It’s bottled in 500 ml bottles with a cork and wired finish and a special commemorative label ---- and it’s amazing. The depth, intensity and complexity of the flavor profile make it a worthy tribute to this fine beer.

. Class of 88 Barleywine 1988 was a pivotal year for the emerging craft brewing industry on the west coast, marking the founding of some of America’s most influential breweries, North Coast Brewing Co. among them. It was also the year Fred Eckhardt published The Essentials of Beer Style—a book that quickly became an indispensable reference for aspiring brewers and critics. In recognition of the 25th anniversary of this milestone year, North Coast Brewing and two other west coast
members of the pioneering “Class of ’88,”



. 471 IPA (IPA) 471 is a small batch , limited edition ale that was created to separate the weak from the strong. 471 is a double IPA, that combines Pale, Munich, Caramel-30, Carapils and Torrified Wheat malts, with Chinook, Centennial, Simcoe and Fuggles hops. It has a big sweet mouthfeel, followed by more hoppiness than you’ve ever had at one time.

. Agave Wheat (American Wheat) Salmiana Agave complements the refreshingly light quality of our wheat and adds a subtle note of flavor that expands this beer’s uplifting taste profile.

. Vanilla Porter (American Ale) An ale that has all the chocolate and roasted nut flavor of a classic Porter, with an enigmatic surprise thrown in for good measure, real vanilla bean.

. Avalanche Amber Subtlety. That's what makes our Avalanche amber ale such a treat. We blend pale and caramel malts -- and just a kiss of bittering hops -- to create a refreshing-but-flavorful, any-time beer. Aromas of pale grains, a semi-sweet middle and a clean-as-Colorado-snow finish make this our best-selling beer.

. Oatmeal Stout Rich, round and roasted, our Oatmeal Stout is satisfaction in a glass. It's a bold, smooth-bodied concoction that oozes dark-roasted coffee aromas and flavors of espresso and semi-sweet chocolate. We round out these heady pleasures with a dose of flaked oatmeal for a creamy body and a semi-dry finish. Unforgettable.

THE CHIMAY BREWERY // Chimay, Belgium


. Chimay Blue Label Grand Reserve (Belgian Strong Dark Ale) It is principally distinguished by its character of a strong beer. This is a beer whose fragrance of fresh yeast with a light, flowery rosy touch is especially pleasant. Its flavour, noticed when tasting it, only accentuates the pleasant sensations perceived in the aroma, while revealing a light but touch of roasted malt.

. Chimay White Label (Tripel) The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes of muscat and raisins that give this beer a particularly attractive aroma. The aroma complements the touch of bitterness. There is no acidity, but an after-bitterness which melts in the mouth.

. Chimay Red Label (Dubbel) Noted for its coppery colour which makes it particularly attractive. Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation. The taste perceived in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance. Its taste, which imparts a silky sensation to the tongue, is made refreshing by a light touch of bitterness. To the palate, the taster perceives a pleasant astringency which complements the flavour qualities of this beer very harmoniously. This top fermented Trappist beer, refermented in the bottle, is not pasteurised.

S.A. DAMM// Barcelona, Spain


. Estrella Damm Lager (Pilsner Lager) This beer is the jewel in the crown of Damm’s century-long beer-brewing experience. Since 1876, when Alsatian August Kuentzmann Damm founded the company bearing his name, numerous generations of master brewers have perfected this lager until it has become a landmark in the world of beers.

 . Estrella Damm Daura DAURA, which was launched in Spain in 2006 and is now available in 12 countries worldwide, is the first of its kind within the gluten-free beer category. Unlike other gluten-free options, which use sorghum as a substitute for wheat or grain, DAURA uses barley-malt to provide the “real beer taste.” A proprietary brewing process strips the gluten protein from the barely malt, leaving only the “real beer” taste. Because the gluten protein has been stripped away, DAURA’s gluten content level is less than 6 parts per million (ppm), far below the 20 ppm required for gluten free products, according to the Codex Alimentarious, the international food and drinks standard set by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

 VERDI IMPORTS, CO.// Springfield, NJ

. Verdi Acai (Flavored Malt Beverage) Sparkletini is an elegant, all-natural malt beverage made in Italy by the renowned Bosca Family. Sparkletini is a delightfully sparkling Spumante with a light, refreshing taste that's perfect whenever you feel like enjoying a fun, sophisticated drink. Serve chilled to enjoy it's balanced, clean taste.

. Verdi Apple (Flavored Malt Beverage) Pure apple aromas and flavors, surprisingly so, the Green Apple Sparkletini by Verdi drinks very well; medium sweet in the finish; give it a good chill and enjoy.

. Verdi Peach (Flavored Malt Beverage) A fresh, lively, and medium sweet; pleasant on the palate, with a light sparkle and pure peach flavor.

. Verdi Raspberry (Flavored Malt Beverage) Sweet with a light, lemony, zesty taste, this fun sparkler is perfect for toasts when dessert is served afterward. Similar to Asti Spumante, but lighter and sweeter, for those with a sweet tooth.

. Verdi Spumante (Flavored Malt Beverage) Its elegant taste appeals to all…and its re-sealable cork closure preserves the sparkle until you-re ready for the next glass. This malt beverage with natural flavors is the new fun drink alternative and the fastest-growing sparkling Italian Spumante in the U.S.!



. Xingu Black (Schwarzbier) Pronounced “shin-goo”, Xingu is named after the Xingu River in the Amazon Rainforest. Inspired on old recipes of Indian beer, it is a two-time winner of the the Beverage Tasting Institute’s Gold Medal as the best dark lager in the world. Its secrest lies in being a beer with a distinguished and delicious taste while at the same time being very easy to drink.



. Andygator Abita Andygator®, a creature of the swamp, is a unique, high-gravity brew made with pale malt, German lager yeast, and German Perle hops. Unlike other high-gravity brews, Andygator® is fermented to a dry finish with a slightly sweet flavor and subtle fruit aroma. Reaching an alcohol strength of 8% by volume, it is a Helles Dopplebock.

. Strawberry Harvest Abita Strawberry Harvest is a lager brewed with pilsner and wheat malts and Vanguard hops. Real Louisiana strawberry juice is added after filtration resulting in a crisp lager with a sweet strawberry flavor, aroma and haze. It is wonderful with desserts or lighter fare such as salads and pastas. Fresh cheeses such as Burrata, chèvre, Crescenza, mozzarella or Teleme pair well with Strawberry Harvest.

. Abbey Ale Abita Abbey Ale honors the ancient tradition of monks who perfected the art of brewing beer to support the monastery and their "liquid bread." We offer up our support and thank them with a 25-cent donation to St. Joseph's Abbey with every bottle sold of this heavenly brew. Dark amber in color, the aroma of caramel, fruits and cloves invites you to contemplate the creamy head of this "Dubbel" or double ale.

. Jockamo IPA The newest Abita brew takes its name and inspiration from the Mardi Gras Indians of New Orleans. Looking for Indians on Mardi Gras Day is a tradition for many New Orleans families. A cultural phenomenon familiar to residents of the Crescent City, the Mardi Gras Indians are not well known to outsiders and Abita is proud to help share their story with the world.

. Restoration Ale Made with English Pale, Lager, Crystal and Cara Pils malted barley. We liberally hopped and dry hopped our Ale with American Cascade and Centennial hops and fermented it with California Ale yeast. The result is a brilliant gold ale with a rich body, mild bitterness and a snappy fresh citrus hop flavor and aroma.

. Golden Golden is a crisp, clean continental lager. Just four ingredients are all it takes: American malt, Mt. Hood hops, German lager yeast and pure Abita Springs water. As the name implies, Abita Golden has a brilliant gold color. Its flavor makes this light lager the perfect match for Louisiana Creole food.

. Turbodog (Ale) A dark brown ale brewed with Willamette hops and a combination of pale, crystal and chocolate malts. This combination gives Turbodog its rich body and color and a sweet chocolate toffee-like flavor.

. Amber Ale (Lager) A Munich style lager brewed with crystal malt and Perle hops. It has a smooth, malty, slightly caramel flavor and a rich amber color.

. Purple Haze (Wheat) A crisp, American style wheat beer with raspberry puree added after filtration. Therefore, you may see raspberry pulp in the beer. The raspberries provide the lager with a subtle purple coloration and haze, a fruity aroma, and a tartly sweet taste.

. Root Beer Made with a hot mix process using spring water, herbs, vanilla and yucca (which creates foam). Unlike most soft drink manufacturers, Abita sweetens its root beer with pure Louisiana cane sugar. The resulting taste is reminiscent of soft drinks made in the 1940s and 1950s before bottlers turned to corn sugar and fructose.
Abita is naturally caffeine-free.

OMMEGANG // Cooperstown, NY


. Adoration (Ale) A dark, strong, malty and assertively spiced. The dark malts give is lush, malty flavors and aromas, strongly complemented by the five spices, including coriander, cumin, mace, cardamom and grains of paradise.

. Our Limited Edition Biere d’ Hougoumont is brewed with traditional French ale yeast, eight malts, French Strisselspalt hops, and aged on white oak and hard maple wooden staves. A traditional Biere De Garde style, this malty French-style farmhouse ale is brewed to be aged. The name honors the Hougoumont farmstead at the pivotal center of the Waterloo battlefield. Napoleon repeatedly failed to take the fortification, he then lost the battle and “met his Waterloo.”

. Three Philosophers A remarkable limited edition strong ale brewed by Brewery Ommegang in response to a home brewer’s description of his dream beer. Realbeer.com, the internet’s largest beer website, hosted a contest called “Create a Great Beer.” Brewery Ommegang was chosen by Realbeer.com to brew the Belgian-style ale for the winning essayist. Noel Blake, a home brewer from Portland wrote the winning description for what his “dream beer” would be like.

..Glimmerglass The name given to our lake by James Fenimore Cooper - is a beautiful body. Nested between gentle mountains, it reflects any object held up to it, just as it reflects our joy at the arrival of each spring. To help celebrate, pour new spring saison offers a perfect balance of maltiness and hops, with a touch of yeasty fruitiness and a whiff of pepper.

..Game of Thrones Fire & Blood Named after the motto of House Targaryen, Fire and Blood is inspired by Daenerys Targaryen and her three dragons, Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion. To celebrate the rebirth of dragons, three different labels were created by the Game of Thrones visual effects specialists, each depicting one of Daenerys' feared dragons. Randomly distributed amongst the cases, each case will contain all three bottles.

DUVEL MOORTGAT // Breendonk-Puurs, Belgium

..Maredsous 6 Blonde Golden beer with a characteristically fresh bouquet and sweet after-taste.

. Maredsous 10 Triple Golden beer with a characteristically fresh bouquet and sweet after-taste..

..Maredsous 8 Brune (Dubbel) A brown or brune ale brewed under the supervision of the monastic community of Maredsous. Top fermented beer, brewed according to Benedictine tradition. Refermented in the bottle;, and conditioned for two months.



..Pale Ale (Ale) This began as a home brewer’s dream, grew into an icon, and inspired countless brewers to follow a passion of their own. Its unique piney and grapefruit aromas from the use of whole-cone American hops have fascinated beer drinkers for decades and made this beer a classic, yet it remains new, complex and surprising to thousands of beer drinkers every day. It is—as it always has been—all natural, bottle conditioned and refreshingly bold.

..Torpedo (IPA) The first beer to feature our “Hop Torpedo”—a revolutionary dry-hopping device that controls how much hop aroma is imparted into beer without adding additional bitterness. Torpedo Extra IPA is an aggressive yet balanced beer with massive hop aromas of citrus, pine and tropical fruit.

..Bigfoot Barleywine is a craft beer legend. Each winter, this beast of a beer appears and wreaks havoc on unsuspecting palates with its intense bittersweet flavors. This year—in honor of the 30th Anniversary of this style-bending brew— we’re releasing a very special version of this cult classic: Aged in oak whiskey casks for nearly two years, this barrel-aged Bigfoot is incredibly complex. The assault of resinous hops has mellowed, and the influence of the wood has shifted focus toward the malt — with rich burnt-sugar flavors and notes of vanilla, toasted coconut, and raisins. Grab this elusive beast while you can, because it won’t be around for long.

..Ruthless IPA is brewed with this rustic grain for refined flavors – combining the peppery spice of rye and the bright citrusy flavors of whole-cone hops to create a complex ale for the tumultuous transition to Spring.

..Harvest Single Hop IPA Hop 291 is in the limelight in this single-hop IPA. Despite being a solo act, 291 imparts complex flavors and aromas including fruity and floral notes as well as hints of blueberry and black pepper spiciness.

..Snow Wit (IPA) You don’t need a magic mirror to see the lure of this beer. It’s brewed with seven varieties of experimental dwarf hops. These hops are so called because of their uncommon growing method—shorter hedgerows rather than tall trellis systems—that yields a denser heap of cones with unique flavors that diverge from their full-grown botanical counterparts. Each year new and different varieties are grown in this method, creating untried and exciting shifts in hop character.

..Nooner IPA Light in body but big in hop aroma and flavor. This session IPA delivers a dose of citrusy and grapefruit hop character from the use of whole-cone American hops. There is no better way to start a lazy afternoon than with a group of friends and a few beers. Nooner IPA is a session beer that’s light in body yet big in hop flavor. By using intense, whole-cone American hops in our Hop Torpedo we pack this small beer with a hefty hop punch.

..Blindfold (IPA) Blankets us in darkness yet maintains a surprisingly light body and bold, hoppy character. This black IPA emerged from our Beer Camp program and builds on Sierra Nevada’s legendary love of hops with roasted malts for depth and complexity. Like its namesake, Blindfold is a bit disorienting—the color of a stout and the intense, hop-forward flavors of a classic American IPA.



..Pilsner A world-class international pilsner, Warsteiner Premium Verum is a slightly pale German-style pilsner with a clean, crisp, refreshing import taste. Warsteiner is brewed with fresh Arnsberger Forest spring water sourced at the brewery in Warstein, Germany, naturally soft water that helps to create the smooth taste and thick, creamy head. Warsteiner is truly The Premium German Beer.

. Dunkel Warsteiner Premium Dunkel is an exceptionally smooth and highly drinkable German dark lager. Dunkel has a deep chestnut brown hue, toasty malt and mocha aromas, with a medium-bodied palate and subtle hop bitterness on the finish. Dunkel is brewed wiwth fresh Arnsberger Forest spring water sourced at the brewery in Warstein, Germany, naturally soft water that helps create the smooth taste and thick creamy head.

. Konig Ludwig König Ludwig Weissbier is a classic Bavarian wheat beer produced using centuries of expertise in the brewing of wheat beer. Using only select wheat and barley, malt from Bavaria and the original brewer’s yeast strain, this Royal-Bavarian hefe-weizen results in an extraordinarily refreshing, flavorful, naturally cloudy weiss beer with a distinctively lively, fruity flavor and fine sence of spiciness to be expected from such a classic brew.

BELHAVEN// Scotland


. Black Stout It’s a light, malt forward sessionable brew with just 4.2 percent abv and 52 IBUs (for the unitiated, IBU is a bitterness gauge). So easy going down. Tasty too. Roasty notes predominate on the nose and again on the palate, but there’s also a delightful undertone of milk chocolate with a dry, coffee-like finish. Think of it as a kind of a beer latte.

. Scottish Ale Malty and hoppy, we at Belhaven love the classic Scottish Ale and we’ve been brewing it longer than any of the other beers we produce. Delivering a sweet, smooth and creamy finish, Scottish Ale has a stunning ruby colour in the glass. Magic.

Bitburger Brauerei Th. Simon // Bitburg, Germany


. Premium Pils The classic Bitburger - a mature and most agreeable beer - is brewed with the best of ingredients in the same traditional way it has been for many, many years. The result is delicately tart and pleasantly bitter - with a strong hop taste.



. Kostritzer Schwarzbier Sparkling character similar strength to light beers. Varied taste ranges from smooth to sweet through to light and fresh. Distinctive fine malty flavor from refined barley malt.

WELL’S & YOUNG//United Kingdom


. Young’s Double Chocolate Stout (Stout) The crystal malt with the pale ale, chocolate malt, hops, dark chocolate, and sugars provide a unique taste experience that you will not soon forget.

. Wells Banana Bread This dark golden coloured ale hugs the palate with great intensity. Its malty aroma is complemented by the gentle nose of Banana. Its flavor unfolds with a sensual sparkle and a smart crispness, which balances its aroma perfectly. Tropically fruity; its ripe banana flavour, emphasised by a hint of bitterness, comes from the addition of real fair trade bananas and finishes with an emphatic, steely dryness.

THE CHIMAY BREWERY // Chimay, Belgium


. Chimay Blue Label (Belgian Strong Dark Ale) It is principally distinguished by its character of a strong beer. This is a beer whose fragrance of fresh yeast with a light, flowery rosy touch is especially pleasant. Its flavour, noticed when tasting it, only accentuates the pleasant sensations perceived in the aroma, while revealing a light but pleasant touch of roasted malt.

. Chimay White Label (Tripel) The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes of muscat and raisins that give this beer a particularly attractive aroma. The aroma complements the touch of bitterness. There is no acidity, but an after-bitterness which melts in the mouth.



. Sea Dog Blueberry Wheat Ale Features the nutty quench of a wheat ale combined with the delightful aromatics and subtle flavor contributed by Maine wild blueberries. Seasonal Blueberry Wheat Ale from Maine.



. Export Ale The Shipyard Brewing Company's flagship beer, is a full bodied ale, with a hint of sweetness up front, a subtle and distinctive hope taste, and a very clean and traditional finish.

. Fuggles IPA This light copper single hop India Pale Ale is brewed only with the Fuggles hops. It has a smooth, dry, and crisp flavor with floral aroma and apple plum palate.

WEIHENSTEPHNR // Freising, Germany


. Oktoberfestbier A full rich bodied, hoppy, seasonal lager. Especially brewed for the Festbier season. This beer truly represents the Bavarian way of celebrating. Deep gold color, great mouthfeel and lots of flavor. Prost!

. Hefe Weissbier Nothing refreshes you more than this naturally cloudy wheat beer with its wonderful yeasty fragrance and taste. Goes well with dishes that do not have too intensive a flavor, especially that Bavarian speciality 'Weisswurst' or white sausage.

. Hefeweissbier Dunkel Supple, malty and mellow. Its harmonious flavor is the great strength of our dark wheat beer.

. Original Bayrisch Mild A good beer takes time. The long lager time makes the pale beer a matter of mild, flavorful beer enjoyment.

CROWN VALLEY BREWERY // Sainte Genevieve, MO


. Big Bison Ale (Abbey Dubbel) Caramel and light fruit on the nose, hint of chocolate with sweet dark fruit and malty flavor. Rich with notes of raisin and plum. Lighter in texture than typical for this style.

. Country Carriage Cider (Cider) A nose of green apples and yeast, tart flavor with some apple sweetness.

. Farmhouse Lager A light-bodied Vienna Style Lager. Brewed with generous amounts of Vienna Malt which gives it a clean crisp hop bitterness.

. Peachie Wheat This beer takes the great aspects of an American wheat beer and pairs them with the lightly sweet and fruity characteristics of fresh Missouri peaches.



..BigLeaf Maple Autumn Red A quaffable, well-balanced red ale with character. Its malty complexity and coppery color come from a combination of two caramel malts, pale malt, and a hint of maple syrup.

..Old Foghorn Ale
Virtually handmade by the brewers of Anchor Steam Beer, in one of the world’s smallest and most traditional breweries, since 1975. Our barleywine-style ale, the first of its kind in modern times in the United States, has a luscious depth of flavour that makes it ideal for sipping after dinner. It is made with top-fermenting yeast, fresh whole hops, and "first wort", the richest runnings of a thick all-malt mash. Old Foghorn is "dry hopped" in the classic ale tradition and aged in our cellars until it attains the perfect balance of malty sweetness, estery fruitiness, and exquisite hop character, for which it is known throughout the world. A ruby red ale with little carbonation and a warm finish.

..Steam San Francisco's famous Anchor Steam®, the classic of American brewing tradition since 1896, is virtually handmade, with an exceptional respect for the ancient art of brewing. The deep amber color, thick creamy head, and rich flavor all testify to our traditional brewing methods. Anchor Steam is unique, for our brewing process has evolved over many decades and is like no other in the world. Anchor Steam derives its unusual name from the 19th century when "steam" seems to have
been a nickname for beer brewed on the West Coast of America under primitive conditions and without ice. The brewing methods of those days are a mystery and, although there are many theories, no one can say with certainty why the word "steam" came to be associated with beer. For many decades Anchor alone has used this quaint name for its unique beer. In modern times, "Steam" has become a trademark of Anchor Brewing.

..Porter Made in one of the smallest and most traditional breweries in the world by the brewers of Anchor Steam Beer. Our old-fashioned Porter is virtually handmade, with an exceptional respect for the ancient art of brewing. We use 100% malted barley, generous amounts of fresh, whole hops, entirely natural carbonation and a simple, natural brewing process which is like no other in the world. The deep black color, the thick, creamy head and the intensely rich flavor of Anchor Porter, made in San Francisco since 1974, have earned this delicious and unique brew a worldwide reputation for outstanding quality. It is aesthetically pleasing and wholly superior in every respect.

..California Lager A single-hop beer, using only fresh, whole Cluster hops, all descended from an old line originally grown in California. Cluster has a long history as a “dual-purpose hop” for both bittering and aroma, which creates a flavor profile like no other. Brewed with San Francisco tap water, fresh from Yosemite, and fermented with our own special strain of lager yeast, our California Lager is kräusened in the traditional manner and lagered in our cellars. The result is a uniquely sessionable lager beer, which is maltier, hoppier, and somewhat stronger than modern American lagers. Its brilliant golden color, lingering effervescence, balanced depth of flavor, distinctive aroma, and smooth finish make this inaugural brew of the Anchor Brewing Zymaster™ Series a delightful tribute to the rich heritage and traditions of California brewing.



..Schneider Aventinus Weizen-Eisbock Up until the 1940’s, Aventinus was shipped all over Bavaria in containers lacking temperature control. Consequently, the precious drink partially froze during transportation. Unaware that the brew was concentrated by the separation of water from the liquid. People were baffled by this unique version of Aventinus. By chance, the first Aventinus Eisbock was created. Well aware of this story, Hans Peter Drexler, brewmaster of the Schneider brewery, decided to recreate this classic "mistake" in a modern controlled facility. Thus, the Aventinus Eisbock is reborn sixty years later ... Prost!

..Aventis Dark-ruby colored wheat doppelbock with a creamy fine head. Strong notes of ripe bananas, raisins and plums meet liquorice and roasty aromes. Full-bodied and warming, with a well-balanced and smooth finish. The ideal companion for hearty roast meat, venison and also fruity chocolate desserts, “Kaiserschmarrn” (pancakes), “Elisenlebkuchen” (christmas cookies) or blue cheese.

..Weisse Shiny golden wheat beer with a delicate white head. It reminds of blooming nature in summer and smells of fresh spices and aromatic flower meadows. Full-bodied and sparkling with refreshing citrus and hoppy notes.

BRASSERIE DORVAL // Florenville - Villers-d.-Orval, Belgium


..Orval In contrast to all the others, the Orval Trappist brewery makes only one beer for the general public. It has an intensely aromatic and dry character. Between the first and second fermentations there is also an additional dry-hopping process. Through this the beer acquires its pronounced hoppy aroma and extra dry taste.

BRAUEREI AYING // Aying, Germany


..Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock Celebrator has a creamy head of tight bubbles contrasting beautifully with its profound dark robe. It is full-bodied and velvety from half a year’s aging. Although it is strong, it is not overpowering. There is a wonderful and complex balance between the various malts, the alcohol and the subtle hops. A complex fruitiness of roasted malt and whole hop flowers make Celebrator great as a party drink with friends and family at celebrations. Despite its richness, it has a faintly smoky dryness in the finish.

..Ayinger Ur-Weisse An old-fashioned wheat with some fine roasted malt to give it more color and flavor than golden hefe- weisse. It has an immense crown of lovely foam held proudly above a robe of translucent amber. On the palate, malt and yeast predominate, with a delicious balance of fruit and bread-like yeast. The taste is complex, with suggestions of soft fruit, apple, and, in the finish, perhaps, even cloves.

Brouwerij Affligem / De Smedt // Opwijk, Belgium


. Affligem DubbelA reddish-brown abbey ale brewed with dark malts. The secondary fermentation gives a fruity aroma and a unique spicy character with a distinctive aftertaste. Secondary fermentation in the bottle.

. Affligem Tripel The king of the abbey beers. It is amber-gold and pours with a deep head and original aroma, delivering a complex, full bodied flavor. Pure enjoyment! Secondary fermentation in the bottle.

SAMUEL SMITH’S OLD BREWERY // Tadcaster, England


. Samuel Smith’s Imperial Stout (Russian Imperial Stout) A rich flavourful brew; deep chocolate in colour with a roasted barley nose and flavour that is a complexity of malt, hops, alcohol and yeast. Fermented in ‘stone Yorkshire squares’.

. Organic Chocolate Stout Brewed with well water (the original well, sunk in 1758, is still in use with the hard well water being drawn from 85 feet underground), the gently roasted organic cocoa extract impart a delicious, smooth and creamy character, with inviting deep flavours and a delightful finish - this is a marriage of satisfying stout and luxurious chocolate.

. Organic Lager A full-bodied lager with lots of malt and hop character. A touch hoppier than many lagers yet perfectly balanced with lots of fruity hop character and fragrance.



. Westmalle Dubbel A reddish brown trappist ale, malty and fruit, featuring a 3 week secondary fermentation. This ale has a full, pale yellow head. The bouquet is full of esters and fruitiness. Notes of ripe banana predominate. The taste is fruity and slightly bitter, with a long, dry finish.

. Westmalle Tripel A strong, dry and spicy trappist ale. The product of a secondary fermentation lasting 5 weeks. This is a complex ale with a fruity aroma and a nice nuanced hop scent. It is soft and creamy in the mouth, with a bitter touch carried by the fruity aroma. An exceptional ale, with a great deal of finesse and elegance, and with a splendid long after taste.



..to Helles and Bock Helles Bock Lager, 7.4% abv

..Popfly Popcorn Cream Ale, 5.0% abv. Deep straw hue with glints of copper and gold, topped with a brilliant white head. Faint aromas of bread crusty malts and freshly popped corn. Smooth and easy- drinking, light to medium body. Simple sweet malt and toasty corn flavors coupled with earthy hops that balance nicely into a clean and harmonious finish.

..Womanizer Cucumber & Melon Saison, 5.9% abv

..Bretting Bad 100% Brettanomyces (wild yeast) fermented, oaked, and dry-hopped pale ale


. Third East Pale Ale A 6.5% ABV pale ale generously hopped with Simcoe, Nelson Sauvin, and Citra hops.

. Absolution A 7.2% ABV single hopped ale using fresh, whole leaf El Dorado hops. Once you try it, whatever bad happened to you during the day will be forgiven.

. Thor’s Hammer (India Pale Ale) A huge double IPA

. Paul’s Ale A single hopped ale using only Citra hops. Very dank with lots of citrus, melon, and fruit notes throughout.




..Buddha Chai Milk, Brewer, Josh Wooding

..Jalapeno Amber Ale, Brewer, John "Bonz" Rogers

..Snakecharmer Mango-Habanero Rye IPA, Brewer, Joshua Davis

..Wheat Eadder, Brewer, Joshua Davis

..Pick A Dilly IPA, Brewer, John "The Beersnob" Wells

..Irish Redhead, Brewer, Graham Linder

..Hoppy Sweet Symphony IPA, Brewer, Jillian Linder

..Pistachio Grapefruit Pale Ale, Brewer, Vickie Edwards

..Pendragon Peach Mead, Brewer, Christina Cereghini

..Vanilla Amber, Brewer, Tom Lean

..Grapefruit Kosch, Brewer, Chris Haugen

..Irish Red, Brewer, Kenny Roberts

..Apricot Amber, Brewer, Andrew Teague